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Viet Helmet original ?

Article about: Hello dear Collectors, I would like your opinion about this helmet, looks period or repro ? thank you !!

  1. #1

    Default Viet Helmet original ?

    Hello dear Collectors, I would like your opinion about this helmet, looks period or repro ? thank you !!

    Viet Helmet original ?
    Viet Helmet original ?
    Viet Helmet original ?
    Viet Helmet original ?

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Viet Helmet original ?
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  3. #2


    It's an original Vietnamese helmet, but whether it was used during the Vietnam war - or much later, is an entirely different matter!


  4. #3


    Hello Steve, many thanks ! hard to find real information about these kind of item...Ok...Original but a datation is possible ? under the insignia maybe ?

    thank you all !

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