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Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

Article about: Hi, Continuing with the overview of the Army via pictures, the Seventh Division consisted of the 19th, 20th and 21st Bavarian Infantry Regiments. The Divisional Commander, was based at Müche

  1. #1

    Default Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Continuing with the overview of the Army via pictures, the Seventh Division consisted of the 19th, 20th and 21st Bavarian Infantry Regiments.

    The Divisional Commander, was based at Müchen and Ingolstadt with the main training ground at Grafenwohr.

    This album offers an insight into the lives of the Officers and Men of the II battalion 19th Infantry Regiment who were based at Augsburg.

    It covers the period 1/2/1927 to 1/2/1929 and this record was taken by Oberleutnant Yank the Battalion Adjutant.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    The album begins with the arrival of the new battalion commander Oberstleutnant Bauer who made this grade on 1/2/1927 and was posted to IR19. Prior to this he had been serving with the rank of Major on the staff of the II Training Battalion at the Army Infantry School. The ranks lists show him on staff in 1924, 1925 and 1926.

    Next our recorder, Oblt. Jank , adj. of II Bttl IR19 from 03/07/1927. He was commissioned 1/4/1917, won the EK1 during WW1 and made the transition into the Reichswehr. The 1924 lists show him with the rank of Leutnant assigned to 8MG IR 19 and in 1925 he was promoted to Oberleutnant. He served with 8 mg Komp till 1927 when he became battalion adjt.

    The Barracks or kaserne at Augsburg.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    At their Quarters, Jank is on right hand side.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Parade before General Major Von Pflügel who until 1/3/1928 was the Commander of IR 19. He had just been promoted from Oberst and assigned to be the Infanterie Führer II in the second division.
    Generalmajor Hugo Ritter von Pflügel - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    The band is lined up and the General marching over in the Cap.
    Then the Battalion Commander and the march past parade…….

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    14/5/1928 the new commander of IR 19 Oberst Adam who was formally Chief of Staff to the Divisional Commander Von Kressenstein. The second Officer is Obstl. Bauer and the third Officer appears to be Austrian ?

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    14/5/1928 Bttl. Presented to Oberst Adam and the band marches past: note as usual the local school children have gathered to watch the parade.
    Wilhelm Adam (General)

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    OberstBauer Bttl. Commander.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Regt 19 II Bttl. Officers. Bauer is central figure and the Officer on the left wears the Imperial Kleiner rock and next to him is Jank. Note: dated 18/6/1928 but he still wears the old style cap cord rather than the new style braided variety.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    more to follow..........see post #3 for the rest of the album pictures and analysis
    Last edited by spandau; 12-01-2014 at 10:27 PM.

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2


    Above.....The band again……they are very busy in this album.

    On their way to Grafenwohr for training.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Rest break on the station at Schwandorf, a town on the River Naab and 66km from Grafenwohr.Jank is in the middle wearing glasses.

    Men pile in the carriages, looks like they seem a happy bunch. They must have just been fed!
    Officers ready to go, the rolling stock behind their carriage is packed with kit/wagons.
    Jank is in the doorway, having a snack whilst another comrade has his priorities set on pouring a beverage. The soldier in the next carriage doorway is ObergefreiterHiergiest a member of the Bttl. Staff.

    The band is still playing as they march out for training.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    4/7 – 30/7 1928 on manoeuvres, soldiers on foot with platoon commanders whilst senior Officers are on horse. Obstl. Bauer is front middle wearing the bleached/summer tunic speaking with Jank who wears a field cap.

    When you look down the column at the rear are the umpires for the field manoeuvres identified by the white bands on their caps. The sign in the background indicates they may be near Heidweiher, a lake just southwest of Nuremberg.Stalt infers a supervisory authority but can’t work out the town /area before that as obscured letters.

    Presentation march past Inspecting Officers

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Signals Platoon : Goose step past

    Next up 5thKomp. March past the inspecting General

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Mg Komp with their equipment in horse drawn carts

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    28/8 -5/9/28 manouvers in the municipality of Ettringen

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Around the villages of Irsee and Ehersbach

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    The autumn battalion riding competition.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Refreshments are served…….note blanket laid out on the front row – Imperial caps still in wear
    3/2/29 Out Hunting with the ladies watching.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Offz. Felddienstübung (field service exercise) with II IR20 on 15/2/28 at Schrobenhausen a town35 km northeast of Augsburg.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    The next set of pages in the album give us a unique view of members of the battalion staff alongside their roles and responsibilities. Of the six officers listed, so far three have been identified who went on to become Generals.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    1. Hptm. Schwab – on 1928 Rangliste as commander of 8th MG but transferred into battalion staff as at 1.10.28.
    2. Hptm. Heberlein – Regt. Staff Officer. He became a very accomplished career staff officer and ended the war in a prison camp in Wales. Bridgend,Island Farm Special Camp XI (Special Camp 11)
    3. Haverkamp listed as an officer in komp 6 in 1928 and joined the staff company on 15/1/29
    4. Oblt. Rasp –was the battalion adjutant till 3/7/1927 and from then he was placed with the staff of the 5th Division in Stuttgart. This assignment I assume came about owing to his acceptance on the 1927 General Staff training course.General der Infanterie Siegfried Rasp - Lexikon der Wehrmacht
    5. Oblt. Jank – the new adjt. of II battalion on parade or the chase…der Hunt. He remained in this position till 1932 when he too was accepted onto the General Staff course.Generalleutnant Karl Jank
    6. Oblt. Mayer – working as the signals/communications officer. He was originally an officer with Komp 6.

    The Battalion support staff/clerks:

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Ordannce (support) clerk ObergefreiterHiergeist a veteran of WW1, FreikorpsEpp sleeve emblem visible above his rank chevron.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Officer mess orderlies………..presentation joke photo : note use of Bavarian Imperial Army Headgear.
    and Dellling …………at your service.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    Finally the band gets a picture all to its self!

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    A series of pictures recording the visit/inspection by Chief of the High Command General Heye on a very snowy day, date is 24/1/29.

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    The last day at the battalion for Obstl. Bauer on 29/1/1929. This follows his assignment to the Infantry School at Dresden to command the officers of the II Battalion. Interestingly this was where he had been teaching at the rank of Major during 1924/25 and 1926 before his promotion and move to IR19. Bauer was promoted to Oberst on 1/2/1930 and remained at this post till 1932.
    His career is covered here:
    Paul Bauer (General)

    Die Reichswehr Im Bild: Infantry Regiment 19

    To conclude......

    General Jank survived the war and passed away in 1975. I was fortunate to acquire this album in an auction as it was just advertised as a “pre-war photo album”. How it came to be on ebay will remain a mystery as, no doubt, will the whereabouts of any other albums he may have kept.

    It has been a great opportunity and privilege to research this piece of history and bring to the forum some of the early career details and images of the personalities that led key Wehrmacht units in 1939 – 1945.

  4. #3


    Great to see some early photos of Wilhelm Adam !!

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