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United States Military Collectibles Reference Library

Article about: Welcome to the Reference Library Forum. The listed resources are made available by members who may have them in their library. The purpose of this forum is for the benefit of new collectors

  1. #1

    Default United States Military Collectibles Reference Library

    Welcome to the Reference Library Forum.

    The listed resources are made available by members who may have them in their library. The purpose of this forum is for the benefit of new collectors as well as seasoned collectors in order to show what books are source materials for different topic areas. There will be variations by topic and amount of books written in each topic based on subject. For example, US M1 helmets may have 10 books written about them and Airborne uniforms and equipment may only have 1 or 2 books. By posting the Title name, Author, ISBN (if available) and other information as well as a photo or scan of the book jacket cover, it may help collectors who are looking to purchase these books (if available) from on-line sources such as Amazon and other sites.

    This sub-forum is going to have a standard operating procedure for listing references, in order to facilitate easy cataloging and successful search results. By following the same format, everyone will benefit and appreciate the convenience. Please follow the instructions and we encourage members to post their list of reference books for our library of resources.

    We will be making several categories in order to post the books in the appropriate sections for ease in searching for books related to the specific item such as helmets, equipment, insignia, and so forth.

    We ask that you would follow the same format that is posted for each reference book listed and ensure that the book is posted in the proper category. If the book is not posted in the right section or in the requested format the moderators will edit and/or remove the posting and place it in the correct subtopic area and edit for content/format.

    Use the following format:

    # of Pages
    Photo/Scan of the book cover

    If there are any questions or if you need any assistance please feel free to send me a PM.

    Best regards

    Last edited by Rakkasan187; 02-10-2020 at 11:29 PM.

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