Title: US Infantry Weapons of World War II
Author: Bruce Canfield
Publisher: Andrew Mowbray Publishers
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0-917218-67-1
Pages: 304
Title: US Infantry Weapons of World War II
Author: Bruce Canfield
Publisher: Andrew Mowbray Publishers
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0-917218-67-1
Pages: 304
Title: The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II
Author: Chris Bishop (General Editor)
Publisher: Barnes and Noble Publishers
Year: 1998
ISBN: 0-7607-1022-8
Pages: 544
Title: The U.S. M3 / M3A1 Submachine Gun The Complete History of America's Famed "Grease Gun"
Author: Michael Heidler
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing
Year: January 2021
ISBN: 0764360582
ISBN13: 9780764360589
224 pages
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