Bob Faris one of the finest gentlemen ever to grace this planet has passed away after battling a long illness. He is the father/big brother to all of us in the South West if not the entire USA. His collection was one of the most complete in the US His knowledge of all firearms was unsurpassed. That is Bob on the poster for the Big Sandy Shoot.
I met Bob 16 years ago shortly after I arrived in Arizona. He was my house guest almost every year on Memorial Day Weekend and Labor Day Weekend when we had our "Bob Faris Memorial and Labor Day MG Shoots". Bob was the kindest most giving person I have ever met. He was always there when anyone needed help or had problems with there weapon. I remember many times when Bob spent most of the shoot trying to help some one out rather than shoot his own weapons. Bob will sorely be missed. I sure he is up there in the big shooting range in the heavens helping new shooters out as he did in life. Rest In Peace Robert.