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Bren Gun Help

Article about: I am thinking about purchasing a WWII Bren gun, it is made from original part sets and it is deactivated. This is a MK 1M reciever with a Mk 2 barrel. It was built using original parts from

  1. #1

    Exclamation Bren Gun Help

    I am thinking about purchasing a WWII Bren gun, it is made from original part sets and it is deactivated. This is a MK 1M reciever with a Mk 2 barrel.

    It was built using original parts from Brens from WWII.

    This is the sellers description:
    "This is what you get: A fully assembled, inert, WW2 British Bren unrestricted Display Machine Gun complete with removable inert barrel, operational bipod, Butt Slide and magazine. Mark 1 drum back sights and the late Mark 1/early Mark 2 Butt Stock Assembly. The Receiver Markings are mostly in place. Bren Display Gun is built on the Mk 1/M (modified) receiver. The Mk 1M was developed to provide a transition to the Mk 2, and was found with various Mk 2 features at different times, including Mk 2 barrels, Mk 2 butts, and Mk 2 bipods."

    Was it ever the case during the war that during transition time they had Mk. 1M recievers with Mk. 2 barrels?

    When was production stopped on the Mk. 2?

    This website also offers a Mk. 1M reciever with a Mk. 1 barrel and a "late Mk.1 / early Mk. 2 stock

    Which is a better deal?

    Here is the Mk. 1M reciever with Mk. 2 barre:
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Bren Gun Help   Bren Gun Help  

    Attached Images Attached Images Bren Gun Help  Bren Gun Help  Bren Gun Help 

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    Here is the second option:
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Bren Gun Help   Bren Gun Help  

    Bren Gun Help   Bren Gun Help  

    Bren Gun Help  
    Attached Images Attached Images Bren Gun Help 

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    Which one is a better deal?

    The first one is $500, the second one is $525

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    I would honestly save your money and not buy these.

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    Even if you dont think they are great, which one in your mind is a better purchase?

    Did the British/Canadian forces comonly use the MK.1M version of the gun?

    Somebody on another forum told me many of the Mk.1M's were sent to China as a 7.92(mauser) round????

  6. #6

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    I have to agree with Ade, both of these guns are a mixture of bits.As produced an Inglis Mk1m would have had a mk1 butt and a Mk1* barrel and a MK3 Canadian bipod, identified as the the legs fold together and not independantly, but they don't have the telescopic feature of the early guns.
    The first gun has the wrong barrel and butt, but the right bipod. The second gun has the right barrel wrong butt and wrong bipod.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    hi the the mk 1m was a modified version of the mk 1. basically this was just production streamlining ie ommision of the dovetail for the lensatic sight,gas cylinder fluting,strengthening ribs and gas deflection shield .the second gun looks to be the best but i can't see any manufacturers markings on the right side of the body eg. lithgow. aussie,enfield.brit,inlis.canada,and saf.india which should be on all guns.in answer to your other question yes the mk 1m was widely used.Also with regard to china only canada produced the bren chambered for the rimless 7.92 x 57mm round.if you need any information on the bren you need to buy the small arms identification series for the bren from Lee Enfield SMLE specialist Ian Skennerton this book is excelllent and will tell you everything you need to know.good luck eddy

  8. #8

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    I dont mean to sound rude but i wouldnt consider buying either gun, the condition of them is really bad. Both are made of bits and
    pieces of scrap weapons,. you should save your money on these and look for a good deal, There are some fine deac Brenguns out there.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    Hi Martin, the guys have given you good advice.

    The book is well worth having: I bought a copy a few years ago.

    I know with you being in the USA it is not easy for you to a good deact like we can here in the UK

    Cheers, Ade.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Bren Gun Help

    I have been searching for a Mk1 Bren myself in the uk recently, anyone know of a good source, was looking to keep it to £250 max, am i out of touch with the market place or missing a good source, number available for about £350.

    Sorry to butt in to your post but seemed very related!


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