I am thinking about purchasing a WWII Bren gun, it is made from original part sets and it is deactivated. This is a MK 1M reciever with a Mk 2 barrel.
It was built using original parts from Brens from WWII.
This is the sellers description:
"This is what you get: A fully assembled, inert, WW2 British Bren unrestricted Display Machine Gun complete with removable inert barrel, operational bipod, Butt Slide and magazine. Mark 1 drum back sights and the late Mark 1/early Mark 2 Butt Stock Assembly. The Receiver Markings are mostly in place. Bren Display Gun is built on the Mk 1/M (modified) receiver. The Mk 1M was developed to provide a transition to the Mk 2, and was found with various Mk 2 features at different times, including Mk 2 barrels, Mk 2 butts, and Mk 2 bipods."
Was it ever the case during the war that during transition time they had Mk. 1M recievers with Mk. 2 barrels?
When was production stopped on the Mk. 2?
This website also offers a Mk. 1M reciever with a Mk. 1 barrel and a "late Mk.1 / early Mk. 2 stock
Which is a better deal?
Here is the Mk. 1M reciever with Mk. 2 barre: