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CZ 70 Czech Pistol

Article about: A very accurate reliable little pistol.

  1. #1

    Default CZ 70 Czech Pistol

    A very accurate reliable little pistol.
    Attached Images Attached Images CZ 70 Czech Pistol 

  2. #2

    Default Re: CZ 70 Czech Pistol

    They make some good pistols zwerge. I have a CZ52 and a CZ82. Both are pretty robust and fun to shoot. Nice one you have there. Hows it shoot?

  3. #3

    Default Re: CZ 70 Czech Pistol

    Looks a lot like a Walther PP.What caliber?

  4. #4

    Default Re: CZ 70 Czech Pistol

    The CZ 50 and Cz 70 was a double action pistol with many of the PPK`s good points.It is 7.65mm or .32 caliber.

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