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extra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds section

Article about: Sorry to put them here, but I seem rather clumsy when posting on the classifieds section! I never seem able to insert my description when edit the advert... Also do not seem able to modify i

  1. #1

    Default extra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds section

    Sorry to put them here, but I seem rather clumsy when posting on the classifieds section!
    I never seem able to insert my description when edit the advert...
    Also do not seem able to modify it !?
    I haven been loocking what has been said about thise , but couldn't find any answer.
    Anyway, I have been asked by several members to show more pictures.
    I might as well do it here (I think/ hope!!).
    First I want to ad that I was amazed to see how most springs of the push-buttons still work well; the one for the folded stock and the one for the mag.
    Also that part at the end of the folded stock moves gentle with a nice "click" sound!
    Gripps are post war, and i think a magazine would fetch properly in, but I never tryed!
    extra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds sectionextra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds sectionextra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds sectionextra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds sectionextra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds sectionextra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds section
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2

    Default Re: extra pictures of my MP40 in classifieds section

    Hi Kris,
    I like these even in relic condition they look great, did you buy this or know where it was dug ect, thanks for showing us.

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