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French M-37 Mortar

Article about: Enjoy this French M-37 50mm Mortar and Shells. The Germans captured many 1000s of the French 50mm Mortar shells and turned them into sub-munitions for cluster bombs SD2(f)..BILL

  1. #1

    Default French M-37 Mortar

    Enjoy this French M-37 50mm Mortar and Shells. The Germans captured many 1000s of the French 50mm Mortar shells and turned them into sub-munitions for cluster bombs SD2(f)..BILL
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture French M-37 Mortar   French M-37 Mortar  

    Last edited by Bill Grist; 10-10-2008 at 12:06 AM.
    "As long as there are brave men and warriors the halls of Valhalla will never be silent or empty"

    In memory of my father William T. Grist December 26, 1920--September 10, 2009..
    901st. Ordnance H.A.M. North Africa, Italy, Southern France....ETO
    Also in memory of my mother Jane Kidd Grist Feb. 22, 1920-- September 27, 2009... WWll War bride May 1942...

  2. #2

    Default Re: French M-37 Mortar

    cool,forget cluster bomb,it looks like a cluster F of cool stuff in those cases.....nice

  3. #3

    Default Re: French M-37 Mortar

    nice case bill, where is the key?

  4. #4

    Default Re: French M-37 Mortar

    bonjour,félicitation,superbe pièce,et modél très difficile à trouvé.
    Hello, congratulation, magnificent detail(room), and very difficult modél in found


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