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Italian Vetterli Rifle A.O.I. Marked

Article about: 10.35 m.m. Italian Vetterli rifle,2 rounds ammo and bayonet named to Askari trooper. Rich A. in Pa.

  1. #1

    Default Italian Vetterli Rifle A.O.I. Marked

    10.35 m.m. Italian Vetterli rifle,2 rounds ammo and bayonet named to Askari trooper. Rich A. in Pa.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Italian Vetterli Rifle A.O.I. Marked  
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  2. #2


    Nice rifle,I have a Swiss rimfire Vetterli.....Pete.

  3. #3


    Thanks. I have a M-81 Swiss Vetterli. It does not have the lifter and some bolt parts. I got with 2 Mississippi patch box muskets. 1847 and 1852 dated for $100 at the flea market. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

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