In the early days of the Korean War, the North Korean Air Force used fighters armed with 23mm cannons. Does anyone know where I might buy a decommissioned 23mm shell?
In the early days of the Korean War, the North Korean Air Force used fighters armed with 23mm cannons. Does anyone know where I might buy a decommissioned 23mm shell?
I don't have any for sell but here are a couple from my collection... One balistic cap functional round and one training round BILL
"As long as there are brave men and warriors the halls of Valhalla will never be silent or empty"
In memory of my father William T. Grist December 26, 1920--September 10, 2009..
901st. Ordnance H.A.M. North Africa, Italy, Southern France....ETO
Also in memory of my mother Jane Kidd Grist Feb. 22, 1920-- September 27, 2009... WWll War bride May 1942...
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