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M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

Article about: Thanks Dave-here in Australia they are the cheapest WW2 rifle to buy and under appreciated as a very long serving type with some interesting design features like the gain twist rifling on th

  1. #1

    Default M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    This is the Italian Mannlicher Carcarno M1891/1941 Long rifle in 6.5 x 52mm-the Italian army made a large number of carbine and short rifle models of the Carcarno but only 2 of the long infantry type-the original 1891 and the 1941-this was very similar but was 85mm shorter and with modified rear sights for 300m to 1000m-the rifle uses the Mannlicher feed system with 6 round clips loaded into, and forming part of, the magazine. This rifle is dated 1942 but was restocked in 1947.

    The bayonet is the M1891 with leather and brass scabbard dated 1933.

    This is the last rifle that I bought and had deactivated before getting a collectors license, a decision I regret now as it was in excellent condition. C'est la Guerre.
    M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & BayonetM1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & BayonetM1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & BayonetM1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & BayonetM1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

  2. #2

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet



  3. #3

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    now that is a nice rifle decent condition


  4. #4

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    Nice rifle. I do not have one of those. Shame it is a deact. I like to shoot mine. What is the clip marked? Is the ammo useable? Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  5. #5

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    The ammo is live-I also have an M38 Short rifle in 6.5mm that's live but I don't shoot, I collect-there aren't any markings on the clip-there was a brand new clip in the long rifle when I bought it as well, also have a brass example of the clip.

  6. #6

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    I was wondering. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  7. #7

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    Nice looking rifle! I'm hoping to pick one of these up (and/or an Arisaka...) within a week or so!

    Could you explain how the sight works? Doesn't it flip down all the way and fit into that notch in the wooden foregrip for close quarters combat?

  8. #8

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    Really nice Carcano and bayonet.

  9. #9

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    GIZMO8Z-yes, the sights do flip over into the woodwork to reveal the sight picture for the fixed 'battle' sight-this set up is very unusual-the device is set up to be used by the left hand from under the forestock-in complete contrast to the simple fixed battle sight on all the M38 Short rifles-Italian weapons often seem to have very complicated parts as solutions to otherwise simple problems-a case in point being the folding blade bayo for the M38; complicated, fragile and expensive to make for basically a butter knife on the end of the rifle!

    samnev-thanks for the appreciation from an obviously serious collector.

  10. #10

    Default Re: M1891/41 Carcano Long Rifle & Bayonet

    Hi Lithgow,
    Thanks for showing the Carcarno nice rifle it is a shame you had to deac it but sometimes these things have to be done. i would like one for my collection but it would have to be deac also, i think they are an interesting rifle.
    not everyones cup of tea though.

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