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MG08/15 Collection

Article about: Hi Mark, The Mg08/15 with the shrapnel damage looks rather familiar. It is like the combat damaged one I used to own up to a few years ago. I removed the barrel and cut the barrel extensions

  1. #121

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    MG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 CollectionMG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 Collection

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    MG08/15 Collection

  9. #129

    Default Mg08/15

    MG08/15 Collection

  10. #130


    There are some serious examples of 'pluck' during the Allied advances during 2018. Many of the Victoria Cross citations mention multiple machine gun posts being neutralised by an individual with revolver and bombs. The following citation is for an action that was described as 'a remarkable one-man offensive'.

    War Office, 14th December, 1918

    His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned Officers, Warrant Officer, Non-commissioned Officers and Men:-

    No. 6939 Pte. Robert Mactier, late 23rd Bn., A.I.F.

    'For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty on the morning of the 1st September, 1918, during the attack on the village of Mt. St. Quentin. Prior to the advance of the battalion, it was necessary to clear up several enemy strong points close to our line. This the bombing patrols sent forward failed to effect, and the battalion was unable to move. Private Mactier, single handed, and in daylight, thereupon jumped out of the trench, rushed past the block, closed with and killed the machine gun garrison of eight men with his revolver and bombs, and threw the enemy machine gun over the parapet. Then, rushing forward about 20 yards, he jumped into another strong point held by a garrison of six men, who immediately surrendered. Continuing to the next block through the trench, he disposed of an enemy machine gun which had been enfilading our flank advancing troops, and was then killed by another machine gun at close range. It was entirely due to this exceptional valour and determination of Private Mactier that the battalion was able to move on to its "jumping off" trench and carry out the successful operation of capturing the village of Mt. St. Quentin a few hours later.'

    MG08/15 Collection

    An image of some grim looking boys smoking German cigars with the dead gun crew in the foreground. (11 & 12 Battalions, 1st Division AIF). Note the shrouded body in front of the gun, looks like an officer judging by the flash boots.

    MG08/15 Collection

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