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MKII Sten Questions

Article about: Whoa...a 72 round stenski...

  1. #1

    Default MKII Sten Questions

    Hello all, I have just got a very nice MKII sten, deactivated obviously for the country where I live, but the old specification where it was done sensitively without too much vandalism.
    A couple of questions please...
    1...under the mag housing is H.F&Co ltd Q58307, obviously the serial number but does anyone know who H.F & Co were.
    2...the front inch of the barrel is stepped, the diameter being .0545" and the rest being .0765" approximates, was this for a silencer or the bayonette.
    All in all a nice example and a nice addition to my growing armoury.
    Many thanks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    I wonder if you could post some photo's of your sten?

    have always wondered just what is done to them to "deactivate" them, and some photo's would be great if you can?

    Thank you,


  3. #3

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    Yes I soon as my Daughter surfaces with her camera..basically here in the UK the old specification..(pre 1995)..has the firing surface of the bolt ground off at a 45% angle, the barrel sleeve is welded to the receiver and the barrel has either a peg inserted or a rod inserted, either way stopping a round being chambered and finally a slot is milled into breech face...(new spec deactivating sees the bolt being cut into two halves and the front half welded solid into the receiver)...this is the method for macine guns, rifles and pistols have variants of the above.
    Pure vandalism of an antique.

  4. #4

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    Daughter surfaced, Pictures added....

  5. #5

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    I notice that the spring cover in front of the trigger has neither screws or rivets...its got reversed dimples...what date would that make it as there is no date anywhere on the weapon.
    Thanks....hope you like the pics.

  6. #6

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    Your Mk2 is fitted with the barrel from a Mk3, this was quite a common mod post war to use up surplus Mk3 barrels.I think the manufacturer of the magazine housing is H.Frost & Co. Walsall, they only made that component part.

  7. #7

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    What's the thing on the front of the bolt Ravenhook ?

    It would not take much to get that rocking again.

  8. #8

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    What's the thing on the front of the bolt Ravenhook
    Thats the extractor claw, its looking rather odd because of the 45 degree angle where it has had the firing face ground away also a small part of the feed ramp has bee ground back.
    No it wouldn't take a lot to make it kick...but it will remain as it is I'm afraid...the UK is very sensative to ex military weapons in the hands of collectors and we have faced bans in the past and it would only take a nudge for them to start that malarky again. One happy thing here as opposed to the "de milling" that takes place over state side is that the receivers arn't chopped in half so they look good to hang on the wall when they come out of the box....swings and roundabouts eh?
    Thanks for the assist guys.

  9. #9

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    Yes I see it now. I first thought I could see something that looked like a black plastic effort on the front but I guess it's just a shadow.

    I have repaired a couple of bolts like that with a tig welder then recut the feed ribs etc.

    I don't live in the US, I live in Canada. Like the UK we can have deactivated receivers here, but if we make a working gun out of the parts we can not use the old receiver, we have to make a new one. BTW I'm English.

    Here's something I'm working on right now, guess what it is : )

  10. #10

    Default Re: MKII Sten Questions

    PPSH mated with a Sten ?

    A stenski ?

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