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Origin of the word "Pistol"

Article about: Hello everyone, as a czech I don`t have so much I can be proud of. Don`t get me wrong! I mean I should only be proud of my own achievements but I also mean it in the sense of being proud bec

  1. #1

    Default Origin of the word "Pistol"

    Hello everyone,

    as a czech I don`t have so much I can be proud of. Don`t get me wrong! I mean I should only be proud of my own achievements but I also mean it in the sense of being proud because of the nation you originate from invented something important for the mankind. And Czech Republic is a small country so the pool of inventors is rather small. But there are some exceptions. Among others there is the word "Pistol" which relates to a word in the czech language and this is connected to an important part of european medieval history. I think this is something which would be of interest for weapons collectors. I made a 60 seconds long video which explains it:

    - YouTube

    Btw: Guys, I think my "professional" youtube career is already over. After uploading 2 short videos I was wondering because I got again zero views which means youtube does not show my stuff to others. But later a button appeared which led me to a pop up window to buy clicks for my videos. Well, I have to pay for youtube so they will show my videos. Ok, I will definitely not buy artificial clicks. Either this is of interest or not. Moreover buying clicks costs you 17 Cents per click. And in the opposite gaining money from clicks means: For 100K Clicks you get 70 Dollars when uploading Short Videos. This is like when buying Gold the Bank wants to have 2.5 K per Ounce and when selling your Gold to them the Bank offers you 10 Bucks. Take it or leave it. We have the monopoly.

    ...But I will finish the second part on the belt buckle pistol and definitely make videos but only for my own pleasure. I don`t have the money to support billionaires on their yachts in the caribbean.

    See you soon here on the website as I like helmets and other militaria!


  2. #2
    MAP is offline


    Great short video. Learned something new today. Nice job
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  3. #3
    DAI is offline


    Hello Fulminata
    One thing you must be very proud of is all the men from czechoslovakia who enlisted into the British Royal Air Force and the other forces during ww2 The people of britain are very proud of them
    Best Wishes

  4. #4


    Well, the word "robot" also originates from Czech, so there's one more reason to be proud

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