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Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

Article about: How we get together and spend a quiet weekend here in Nortwest Indiana.300 friends and their vehicles (and horses)spending some time together on a nice weekend in May.My son with his 1903a3

  1. #1

    Default Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    How we get together and spend a quiet weekend here in Nortwest Indiana.300 friends and their vehicles (and horses)spending some time together on a nice weekend in May.My son with his 1903a3 sniper rifle and a family friend.My jeep.We do a lot of shooting at the range,but this is just for fun.The old man in the last photo,front row left is yours truely.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    Looks like a real blast,wish I could have been there.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    Very nice paddywonka, I love casual weekends such as the one you enjoyed. When were these photo's taken?

    rgds, TY

  4. #4

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    It is fun.Over 70% of the equipment,100% of the firearms,and 50% of the uniforms are original,not repo.We all are collectors,who use and enjoy what we have.What is not shown in any photos,is the P-51 Mustang and Avenger that fly 50 to 75 feet above us while we gathered.There are also field kitchens,that serve excellent meals of pork,potato,and hard bread.Girls who do USO shows,military convoys into town at night,vendors selling anything you might want,period music,FDR and Churchill look a likes,and crowds coming just to see us,make it great.What you might notice from the photos is,the age group is from 16 to 80,with a common interest.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    This weekend was at Buckley Homestead,Lowell,Indiana (always the first weekend in May).On June 20-22 at Benton Harbor,Michigan ,the U.S. Coast Guard will be landing myself and 200 friends on the southern beaches of Lake Michigan.If we can get past the German defenders,we will march to the aiport,and secure it till relieved. Must admit,this is reliving history at it's best.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    very nice, how to joine the German unit?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    We are the U.S.ARMY -1st INFANTRY DIVISION-26,th INFANTRY REGIMENT-C COMPANY-2cnd Platoon HRS.However we do have a SS group within our group. We are very relaxed in our requirments,and welcome anyone interested in joining us,please understand this is enjoyable.Contact us at

  8. #8

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    A few more pics.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    cool mate very nice thanks for showing us these really cool pic's wish this went on near me would have loved to have been there

  10. #10

    Default Re: Quiet weekend in the country w/friends

    This is my kind of weekend too!

    Great pics!

    Cheers, Ade.

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