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Article about: Chaps, I am looking at a SMLE butt disk for a friend with 1.17 S.X written on it. Anyone any idea of the unit it refers to? With the SX I was thinking a Sussex regiment? Cheers

  1. #1

    Default Research

    Chaps, I am looking at a SMLE butt disk for a friend with 1.17 S.X written on it. Anyone any idea of the unit it refers to? With the SX I was thinking a Sussex regiment?


  2. #2


    Here you go Ben


    The Royal Sussex Regiment

    35th Foot


    The Royal Sussex Regiment (2nd Battalion, Bengal Infantry)

    107th Foot

  3. #3


    Cheers Bobby, is that butt disk linked to these battalions? I was thinking 1st Company 17th Battalion formed 1918, have you got a link to the info?

    Cheers mucker

    PS looking at possibly getting a Mk3 Bren this week

  4. #4


    If it is the 17th company of which they had 23 it was formed 26 May 1918 and took part in two engagments, the battle of Albert and the advance in flanders

  5. #5


    Here you go, not complete but it is handy.

    Unit/Regiment Markings

  6. #6


    Mate that is a cracking link

  7. #7


    The 1 17 is likely to be the date the rifle was issued out which would be January 1917

  8. #8


    Hi Ben & bob,
    Great like iv been looking for the info on a disk for the Norfolk Regt so it,s a good help.

    thanks Dave.

  9. #9


    Good one Dave

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