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These just don't walk into my shop..

Article about: Cody: Could you please explain what you mean by "shooters kit?" Thanks. Luke

  1. #1

    Default These just don't walk into my shop..

    Hello Everyone!

    I am very excited to show everyone what I just purchased. This rifle has an interesting story and a unique way of finding its way into my gun shop.

    A few days ago, A man walked into my shop and asked the age old question, "Do you buy that Nazi stuff?"

    I took a deep breath and said, "Yes, we purchase military antiques and firearms."

    He went on to say, "Do you know about these semi-auto 8mm mauser rifles?"

    I said, "Are you talking about the Hakim or something like that?"

    He said, "Nope, I'm talking German.."

    I just said, "Oh, Yeah. I know exactly what you are talking about."

    He said, "Well, would you be able to tell me what it is worth?"

    I said, "Sure, bring it on in."

    He said, "I'll go grab it at home and be right back."

    So here I'm thinking, This guy is either never going to return with this rifle or he is going to want/ think the gun is worth $100,000. So, I just sat down and went back to work.
    Roughly twenty minutes later, this gentleman walks into the shop, with a rifle in a soft case.

    He said, "Well, here she is." Opens up the case and pulls out this K43 Rifle...

    I just about fell over.

    He went on to say, " My dad brought this home from the war", (If you haven't noticed, most people in the US of a certain age group just reference WWII as "The War" ) and he went on to say, "He said they got shot at by a sniper, and he shot this guy with this rifle out of a tree. The rifle jammed on the poor guy because of a bur in the chamber. So, What do you think its worth?"

    Well, I told him what I would pay for it and he said, "That sounds good to me, My son pawned off all the other German stuff my dad brought back.. All kinds of buckles, hats, and patches. So he lost out on this rifle." "Also, in the stock is another firing pin, extra bolt piece, and the original user guide.

    So, here she is. Shes not perfect but, for what I paid I can't help but smile... I feel like a kid in a candy store...
    I took some quick pics of the rifle but forgot to take pics of the manual.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

    These just don't walk into my shop..   These just don't walk into my shop..  

  2. #2



  3. #3
    Jan is offline


    Once in a lifetime...



  4. #4


    great !!!!

  5. #5


    WOW Cody!!! You scored well on this one. It looks like late war issue with original sling.. Once in a while someone brings in something interesting in my shop. Only problem lately is they think it is worth $100,000.00. People watch to much TV. You did good.

    I specialize in M1 carbines and Lugers.

  6. #6


    Thank You Everyone:

    I still get that excited just to look at it. The only problem is that I want to SHOOT IT! I need to get the "shooters kit" before I would do that but I just don't even want to risk anything..

    The only way Christmas could of came earlier this year is if it had the scope..


  7. #7


    That is just fantastic, what a find, even got the original sling

  8. #8
    Jan is offline


    Merry Christmas Cody

    Weihnachten im Zweiten Weltkrieg WW2 Christmas - YouTube


    Santa Jan

    Quote by NDShooter View Post
    Thank You Everyone:

    I still get that excited just to look at it. The only problem is that I want to SHOOT IT! I need to get the "shooters kit" before I would do that but I just don't even want to risk anything..

    The only way Christmas could of came earlier this year is if it had the scope..


  9. #9


    Very fine weapon, in the past I had one K from 1945 but without this quality !

  10. #10


    Cody: Congratulations on a great score. It looks to be in nice shape too. Way to go!


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