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Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

Article about: Hi everyone, It's Summer time, things are slow. Here is a little visual quiz about helmets, try to identify the country user & the model. FYI: The original set up was done by my tablet n

  1. #1

    Default Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Hi everyone, It's Summer time, things are slow.
    Here is a little visual quiz about helmets, try to identify the country user & the model.
    FYI: The original set up was done by my tablet not me. Have fun.
    Identity of helmets are at the bottom.

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Having fun? Three more then!
    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Let see the identity & model.
    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    I know, a composite helmet did sneek in!
    The Finn M36/55 as an Hungarian shell.
    The Czech M30 is the export model used during the Spanish CW.
    Bulgarian M36/C head band holds like the Greek M36/39 & Italian M33 helmets system.

  2. #2


    This is more difficult than it looks, mainly because the images are small. I seem to be lacking the time to save and enlarge them. But anyway, here we go, first thoughts without any checking - oh no wait a minute, you've already provided the answers. In some obscure way that is cheating! Quite difficult anyway, some of these are particularly unusual helmets.

    My original answers, from sight only not using references -
    from top left

    ? - France M16 - ?
    Bulgarian M26c - Greek M38 - Portuguese M40
    British Mk2 - Spanish M42/79 - Spanish Marte (one of the 85 models)
    Spanish M65 para - ? - DDR M56 later model

    Some years ago I did for a while a similar quiz, based on a single more-or-less unique detail of a helmet. Tried my best to baffle everyone involved but I think only on one occasion I got no correct answer. If I remember right it involved a Belgian fibre DR helmet from the early 1950s. Or a Norwegian Cato-Ringstad composite, I dunno now. Is this sort of thing worth reviving here? Any opinions?

  3. #3


    Your good Greg, photos are not to clear even enlarged, part of the challenge. Hum! The tablet in a weird way saved side by side 15 helmets interior together, total coincidence! A screen shot was the only way to keep expose them together. I found it cool so I kept it, got the quiz idea a few days ago, for fun & to change my mind from translating Japanese writing part of my M66 quest. So far 10% of members liked the quiz enough to say so. A little distraction is fun, why not?

  4. #4


    Let's continue with the Swedish M37 and clones

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!

    Do you know your helmets? Summer quiz!
    Last edited by Estonian; 08-15-2023 at 07:21 PM.

  5. #5


    Hope it's not a Quiz or... is it?..

    M37-70: 1

    M37-62: 4

    M37: 3

    Tough, tough!..

  6. #6


    3. Swedish M37
    4. Swedish M62

  7. #7


    1. Finish M40
    3. Swedish M37
    4. Swedish M37/63
    5. Swedish M37/70
    7. Estonian/Polish M40 (great helmet)

  8. #8


    Number 2 is a Danish M46, which is kinda sorta derived from the M37 ( SWEDISH/DANISH M37/46 hybrid )

    and as far as I am concerned 1 is a Finnish M62, 5 is a Swedish M37/65 and 6 is a Swedish M37/60. And is 8 a Finn M40, I dunno, I htink my eyesight is failing.

  9. #9


    1. Finnish M62
    2. Danish M46
    3. Swedish M37
    4. Swedish M62
    5. Swedish M65
    6. Swedish M60
    7.Estonian M40
    8.Danish M37/46

  10. #10


    We have a great quick reference for that family now. BTW I better start studying the M1 clones!..

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