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Helmets and Camo covers

Article about: Dusted off a few helmets recently and thought i would start a thread showing a few of my Groupings and will add more as time goes on and seeing as my favorite collecting genre is the cold wa

  1. #791


    Your are welcome James, I'm catching up on covers & was lucky to find nice ones.
    I'm happy to share them.
    The warehouses of Russian steel helmets won't go dry tomorrow but there is less than before.

  2. #792


    Nice stuff. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  3. #793

    Default Russian Federal Security Service Multicam helmet cover.

    Since 2008, some units of the Federal Security Service (FSB) are wearing a Russian-made copy of the Multicam design.

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Russia - Camopedia

  4. #794


    Great Cover Jack thanks for sharing ,here is my slightly different variation FSB multicam cover for comparisonHelmets and Camo coversHelmets and Camo coversHelmets and Camo covers

  5. #795


    Nice. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  6. #796

    Default Russian military operations in Syria helmet cover

    This Russian arid/desert style helmet cover was designed in 2016
    & issued in 2017 to Russian troops deployed in Syria.
    The bottom part can be folded between the top of the helmet & inside the cover.
    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    View of the complete cover deployed.
    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

    Front view of the cover.
    This cover includes many components:
    Drawstring, velcro, metallic strap loops, openings to attach equipment,
    Helmets and Camo covers

    soft interior lining in the bottom part, metallic gromets helping hearing,
    extra camouflage loops & snap buttons.
    The fabric is of a strong rubberized type.
    Helmets and Camo covers

    Helmets and Camo covers

  7. #797


    Quote by James C View Post
    Great Cover Jack thanks for sharing ,here is my slightly different variation FSB multicam cover for comparison
    Helmets and Camo coversHelmets and Camo coversHelmets and Camo covers
    Hi James, thanks to show your variants. Great to see them.


  8. #798


    Love the Russian arid cover Jack great stuff

  9. #799


    Swiss army M71 helmet with Taz 90 Alpenflage cover Helmets and Camo coversHelmets and Camo coversHelmets and Camo covers

  10. #800


    Hi James, Swiss chocolates, watches, pocket knives & bank accounts are the thing for many folks. For a few of us it's ... Yes, Swiss helmet covers! That's a nice one!I Not easy to find.

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