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One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

Article about: I have some interesting info, a while back I bought some captured Iraqi items from a soldier who had just returned from the fighting. It was a small job lot of kit, I mainly bought it for th

  1. #1

    Default One for the future? Sadams Fedayene


    Not sure it qualifies as plastic? Fedayene or Fedayeen?

    One that got through on my wagon. I had another 18 of them declared and allowed out of theatre. They were confiscated and destroyed? All brand new in stacks. So only left with this used one.

    The interpreter said the writing on the side said God the leader the land/country.
    A little bit close to volk fuhrer fatherland but with the Darthvader look.

    I found this one at Al Zubaih(spelling may not be correct) in a grotty police station that had appauling cell blocks. I found another at Abu Al Kasibe and the other 18 in the BAATH Party HQ in Basra. I think I swapped the other with the yanks for K-Bars MREs and Camp cots (MEF), that and a few AKs Makerov etc.

    Div HQ was in the rear with the gear and no souviner so it was wild for swaps. The poor yanks got cleaned out but they were happy to get their hands on stuff and my whole TAC Gp had campcots and camel backs and K-Bars.




    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture One for the future? Sadams Fedayene   One for the future? Sadams Fedayene  

    One for the future? Sadams Fedayene   One for the future? Sadams Fedayene  

    One for the future? Sadams Fedayene   One for the future? Sadams Fedayene  

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

    Hi Jock

    I really love it, thx for sharing. These might be worth some money in the future. Personally I would love to own a GI helmet that has seen action in Afghanistan...


    Nick VR

  3. #3

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene


    Can't help you there but I have both mine from Granby and Telic only British though!



  4. #4
    Jan is offline

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

    I ver seriosly doubt these will ever be collectors items big time but then again I wont live to tell. For sure Michael Jacksons toilet paper will ... no offence to his fans.

    Rgds Jan

  5. #5

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene


    Thats what they thought about SS helmets just after the war when they were buried, burned scrapped etc. Now look!


  6. #6
    Jan is offline

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

    But The Iraq war, with all respect. And YES collectors are lurking everywere. Who knows...

    Rgds Jan

  7. #7

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene


    I know its a disapointing war, not on world scale but fortunately proper wars are getting scarcer especialy the kind where uniformed combatants of regular forces meet. This must be a good thing? Though not good for the future collectors! Taliban have no uniform as such? Who knows, North Korea has some smart uniforms.


  8. #8
    Jan is offline

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

    Thats true in a sense, yes I can accept that North Corea WOW!

    Rgds Jan

  9. #9

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

    They have some very nice uniforms and awards. I seriously think there would be a market for North Korean militaria, ever there ever would be a devastating war with them...


    Nick VR
    Attached Images Attached Images One for the future? Sadams Fedayene  One for the future? Sadams Fedayene 

  10. #10

    Default Re: One for the future? Sadams Fedayene

    I wonder what they had to do for those?

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