Hi everyone,
this Quiz is related to the iconic US M1helmet's influence post-WW2.
The M1 was bought, produced under licence, copied, modified & adapted by many countries. The shape of the shell was generally kept.
Try your best to identify the country of usage of each helmet.
The liners matches the shells location.
Tip: details, details!
Have fun!
Match the helmet with the model letter you believe is the good one.
Example: 1X, 2Y, 3Z...
Same liners, different angle of view.
A- West Germany M1A1 modifiziert für Bodentruppen (Modified for Ground Troops)
B- USA M1 with fixed bales (pre1943)
C- USA/Canada M1 (last chinstrap model 1975)
D- Japan M66
E- West Germany M1A1
F- USA Helmet Parachutiste M1
G- Spain M1 Marines
H- France M51 OTAN
I- Israel M1
J- Austria M75
K- West Germany M1A1 LL Luftlandeltruppe (air land troops- airborne)
L- South Africa M63
M- Spain M65
N- USA M1, with post-1964 liner.
Give it a shot, I'll identify the helmet's in a few days.