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Swiss M1918 First Type

Article about: here pictures with the m18 in it's light green color. as mentioned these army helmets have a red A with some digits stamped inside the shell.

  1. #1

    Default Swiss M1918 First Type

    I know you can pick up the second and third type Swiss M1918’s for a dollar a dozen but how about the first type, with a continuous ring liner?

    Also, I think I read someplace that the first type where only made with a smooth finish and painted light green and they NEVER came in black. Can anyone substantiate this?

    I ran across a First Type today, first one I’ve ever seen myself but I don’t know how uncommon they are or if they are worth anything. I’m doing a little internet digging but always interested in the expert opinions on here.

    Thanks in advance,

    Russ & Son

  2. #2

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    the green version is worth around 150.- swiss franc in switzerland. most were painted black in the early 40ies. i'll see i can find some pictures.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    Swiss M1918 First Type

    thats a former green helmet who was overpainted. i couln't find yet a pic with my "original" green m 18.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    Thank you etalem - The lid I ran acoss is for sale for $75 US Dollars which, if I did my math right, is just over 60 Swiss Franc so looks to be one hell of a deal. It has a camo cover on it so I'll need to go back and inspect closer but judging from the inside of the lid, it's in real good shape. I'd better go back nad take a closer look.

    Besides the continuous ring liner, are their any other distictive features of a type 1 that I can spot? I have a type 2 so am somewhat familar with the look of the lid.

    Thanks for your help,

    Russ & Son

  5. #5

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    Only IMO, i really dont like the swiss helmet what an ugly thing it is, they must have been drunk when they designed it. i collect helmets along with other items and dont think i could have one in my collection. The British mk4 just about does it, and i had to wear one of those,lol but then each to there own.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    Panzer - The 1918 made a great "cost effective" addition to my son's collection, I paid like 20 USD for a second type, that was the initial reason for purchasing one of these helmets but I do say, I personally find them eye catching even though the 2nd and 3rd types are as common as rocks. I was a bit suprised when I turned this particular lid over and found it to be a first type, but not knowing if was a good buy or worth no more then the 2nd and 3rd types, I set it down and walked away. I'm thinking I might go after it again, maybe keep it, maybe try and turn it around for a few bucks.......not sure yet.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    Quote by Panzer 3 View Post
    Only IMO, i really dont like the swiss helmet what an ugly thing it is, they must have been drunk when they designed it. i collect helmets along with other items and dont think i could have one in my collection. The British mk4 just about does it, and i had to wear one of those,lol but then each to there own.
    I like the swiss helmet, it was my first thing that started me collecting . it does look a bit like a german helmet so it can fill in the space till you find one . it is a bit ugly but it looks good when you get the display right.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    Usually the original green Swiss M18 versions that are out there were used by the police and therefor not repainted (can be identified by the P stamped on the inside). Most of the army versions (stamped A) are in fact repainted in the 40's. Personally I am hooked on it's design and have added an Argentinian export model to my collection.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    So, it sounds to me, repainted for for army or in original colors, the first type is well worth the $75 USD if in good shape?

    I think I am going to run out and see if it is still there tomorrow and check out the condition.....if good, will likely bring it home.

    Thanks for the help,


  10. #10

    Default Re: Swiss M1918 First Type

    the continuous / full ring type liner was used all the way up, until around 1953

    Ive never found one with smooth paint, they are always a rough dark greyish black color

    I think the SWISS M1918 looks nice on display, it kind of looks like a early proto type helmet

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