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Two rare french WWII steel helmets?

Article about: Hi! Im new to warrelics Forums and i aint much of a forum user so correct me if im posting at the wrong section. I live in Sweden and a relative that recently past away left me theese 2 fren

  1. #1

    Question Two rare french WWII steel helmets?

    Hi! Im new to warrelics Forums and i aint much of a forum user so correct me if im posting at the wrong section.

    I live in Sweden and a relative that recently past away left me theese 2 french helmets.

    I did some reserach about them but i can´t find out if they are french "Adrian m-16" or french "Adrian m-26" helmets, or if they are from WWI or WWII. The problems is the "badges" on the fronts, and the two screws on the front, i can´t find any helmets on the net that has that.

    I also heard alot of people say that theese steel helmets can be fake becouse alot of fakes where produced.

    I am sending 2 pictures of the helmets, and helmet number 2 is more like helmet number 1 in the color, the "flash" from my camera messed with it.

    Maybe you can help me identifiy theese helmets?

    /// Daniel - Sweden

  2. #2

    Default Re: Two rare french WWII steel helmets?

    WWI comes in two parts ,WWII in one part.
    So yours are second WW.
    No copy to me,and welcome to the forum.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Two rare french WWII steel helmets?

    I am french and these helmet are of wwII, (on wwI there are an cercle at the base of the helmet).


  4. #4

    Default Re: Two rare french WWII steel helmets?

    Thise helmet is called "Adrien" or "Adrian helmet", there are loads of pictures on the net of similar helmets.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Two rare french WWII steel helmets?

    Would you guide about the sequence of helmet WII WI...which COMES FIRST

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