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Credits for birthday?

Article about: Sorry I don't know what these credits are but it is an honour to rub cyber shoulders with Doug B and F-B. Thanks for another fascinating year on the forum. I look forward to accumulating eno

  1. #1

    Default Credits for birthday?

    Sorry I don't know what these credits are but it is an honour to rub cyber shoulders with Doug B and F-B.
    Thanks for another fascinating year on the forum.
    I look forward to accumulating enough of these credits to either get banned or retire from the hobby as they did.
    Slava Doug and FB.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Credits for birthday?  

  2. #2


    Ahh ya just win a free car get over it it's just a car
    naa don't know!

  3. #3


    Some odd hangover of the software, it means nothing


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  4. #4


    Maybe its like a "get out of jail free" card?

    Wanna try it?
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

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