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Theft of $3500 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

Article about: Hey guys... Not sure which category this should be in... In March 2022, Mr. Uwe Feist hired me to sell his replica Kubelwagen. I agreed to sell it for him at a 15% commission. I spent multip

  1. #1

    Default Theft of $3500 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    Hey guys...

    Not sure which category this should be in...

    In March 2022, Mr. Uwe Feist hired me to sell his replica Kubelwagen. I agreed to sell it for him at a 15% commission. I spent multiple hours listing it not only my own websites, but also various forums and Facebook Pages/Groups.

    After trying to sell it for a year, I finally found a buyer in December 2022 (a lead from a friend).
    Once I found a buyer, Mr. Feist wanted me to drop my commission to 10%, which I did in-order to get the deal done.
    As I had been selling items for him previously (almost 5 years), and we were always men of our word...we did not do anything in writing, because as gentlemen, our words were GOLD. He and I had already created a large rapport, so I felt it was not necessary.


    After the deal was done (the buyer paid Mr. Feist cash directly for the vehicle), Mr. Feist decided to KEEP all the money, and refused to pay out my commission.
    He called me in January, made a variety of nonsense excuses, and basically lied to me 8 times in one single conversation, refusing to pay me anything.
    He even told me that I, "did not work hard enough" in-order to earn the 10% commission - which was complete nonsense.

    I posted the entire details on another forum, and apparently, I am not the only one he has treated this way (other members chimed in with similar experiences).
    As I do not work with dishonest people, I immediately terminated my business relationship with him, and had my attorney contact him.
    After my attorney reached out demanding the payment for services, Mr. Feist sent a SIGNED LETTER - not only admitting that he DID in-fact owe the money, but also included a payment arrangement (to which I agreed to). He also wanted to drop my commission even lower ($3000 instead of $3500).

    The only reason Mr. Uwe Feist even responded at all, was because I posted about this situation on another forum. He saw that post and knew that the facts of the matter ruin his reputation. Part of the legal agreement was that once he paid the balance owed, I would write the matter was "solved", and then remove the post from the forum.
    Since that legal agreement was made, my attorney has been waiting ONE MONTH for the money to arrive...and nothing has shown up.
    After numerous inquiries by both me and my attorney, Mr. Feist had a middleman reach out to me 3 days ago. In-regards to me getting paid for my services, Mr. Feist's NEW response is, "GOOD LUCK!"

    In short...Mr. Feist is extremely dishonest, untrustworthy, and certainly not a man of his word, in both VERBAL and WRITTEN agreements.
    The point of this thread is not only to warn people about any dealings with Mr. Uwe Feist, but also a reminder that that no matter how BIG someone's name is, always be weary of who you are dealing with.


  2. #2


    Very sad situation indeed, I hope the money is with you soon.

  3. #3


    Such Transactions - involving multiple individuals and Thousands of Dollars simply must be formalized and/or invoiced... I've had to learn similar harsh lessons along the way too, friend...

  4. #4


    Annoying, but as Glenn says if it's not in writing, the risk is high.

  5. #5


    Sounds appalling and you have my sympathy,

    I don't know the law where you are but in UK this would be a matter for action in a Civil Court rather than a Criminal Court unless you could show an offence of fraud which would then make it criminal
    If this is a civil matter and again using UK as an example one would have to be aware that if you win, your costs are paid by the respondent plus whatever compensation the Court orders. If, on the other hand you do not win you pay your own costs plus those of the respondent. In the case of a disputed amount such as this the bill would be far higher than the contested sum! This fact alone tends to dissuade many people from taking such actions. Maybe this is what this chap is counting on?

    I do hope the law is different where you are. As already said above; always have a legally binding contract even if the other party is your own mother. Money is a powerful motivator.

    Best wishes and thanks for telling your story.

    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  6. #6

    Default FRAUD Committed by Famed Author UWE FEIST - BEWARE!

    Hey guys ..

    I posted this in another section, but it moved to the Gold Club, which forbids me from replying or adding more details...

    In March 2022, Mr. Uwe Feist (author and historian) hired me to sell his replica Kubelwagen. He sent me photo through his assistant, and after a phonecall, I agreed to sell it for him at a 15% commission.

    I spent multiple hours listing it not only my own websites, but also various forums and Facebook Pages/Groups.

    Here is the original advertisement on my website (eBay listing has now expired):

    WW2 German Wehrmacht Luftwaffe Volkswagen – TYPE 82 KUBELWAGEN – REPRODUCTION – SUPERB! – Axis Militaria

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    After trying to sell it for almost a year, I finally found a buyer in December 2022 (a lead from a friend).

    My usual rate for a vehicle is 15%, however once I found a buyer, Mr. Feist wanted me to drop my commission to my regular 10% flat rate (which I did, in-order to get the deal done).

    As I had been selling items for him previously (almost 5 years), and we were always men of our word...we did not do anything in writing, because as gentlemen, our words were GOLD. He and I had already created a large rapport, so I felt it was not necessary.


    After the deal was done on January 12, 2023 (the buyer paid Mr. Feist cash directly for the vehicle), Mr. Feist decided to KEEP all the money, and refused to pay out my commission.

    I attempted to reach out to him multiple times over the course of two weeks, with no reply whatsoever.

    Mr. Feist finally reached out to me on January 26, 2023 (an argumentative and incoherent phone call), and made a variety of nonsense excuses, and basically lied to me 8 times in one single conversation, refusing to pay me anything, including stating:

    - the money was in escrow" (this is a lie, he was paid in cash)
    - he wanted to "wait until the vehicle was delivered" (not part of the agreement, and even the buyer disagreed with this)
    - I "did not work hard enough" in-order to earn the 10% commission (I spent almost a year selling it)
    - He "did not need my help to sell it" (then why hire me to sell it for you?)
    - Was "unhappy with the sales price" (he was the one who accepted the offer, I had no control over that).
    - his family was in control of his expenses

    The entire conversation was full of lies and nonsense. He concluded the conversation by stating if I wanted the money owed, then I would, "have to do it the legal way", by taking him to court.

    He then continued to yell and then abruptly hung up.

    The following day (January 27, 2023), I sent him the following email (see below letters and attachments), which was ignored:

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    In addition, I sent a hard copy to him directly on the same day, confirmed delivery on January 31, 2023 (USPS # 9410811206203570736670)

    I then had my attorney reach out demanding the payment for services (see attached).

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    Every message and letter was ignored entirely...


    I posted the entire details of this situation on another forum.

    The moment Mr. Feist found out about it (and realized his own actions were ruining his reputation), I was contacted by his friend (acting as a mediator) via phone on February, 11, 2023.

    In those phone conversations I was informed that Mr. Feist would pay the commission...but ONLY under 2 conditions:

    1) he wanted to drop the amount even lower to $3000 instead of $3500 (provided I also return a Tigerfibel book I was selling for him)


    2) once he paid me, I would agree to write on the forum that the matter was resolved.


    We also agreed to use my attorney as the middleman, so he responded to my attorney with those exact details. See attached below, which was sent to my attorney via email on February 18, 2023:

    Theft of 00 by famed author, Uwe Feist - STAY AWAY!

    I sent the book to my attorney...HOWEVER...no money has ever shown up - it has been over ONE MONTH!

    I know he is around, as he has been calling my friends this entire time, complaining to them, and trying to somehow justify why he feels I should not get paid (none of my friends agree with his behavior).

    After numerous inquiries by both me and my attorney, Mr. Feist had his middleman reach out to me on February, 19, 2023.

    In-regards to me getting paid for my services, Mr. Feist's NEW response is, "GOOD LUCK!".

    In short...Mr. Feist is extremely dishonest, untrustworthy, and certainly not a man of his word, in both VERBAL and WRITTEN agreements.

    The point of this thread is not only to warn people about any dealings with Mr. Uwe Feist, but also a reminder that that no matter how BIG someone's name is, always be weary of who you are dealing with.

    Michael John Fuller
    Last edited by harrison987; 03-25-2023 at 06:12 PM.

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