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French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi

Article about: Thought i would show my only complete - that is i havent added insignia , French WW1 uniform . I know the kepi is for a Captain whereas the tunic is for a leutenant , but i wanted to see the

  1. #1

    Default French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi

    Thought i would show my only complete - that is i havent added insignia , French WW1 uniform . I know the kepi is for a Captain whereas the tunic is for a leutenant , but i wanted to see the effect !
    Apparently later in the war the dark crimson medical branch colour was brought back as a background to the insignia on the collar , so maybe this is early 1915 ? Its in thin wool , almost like a summerweight version and has pockets not disimilar to British officer bellows pockets .
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi   French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi  

    French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi  

  2. #2

    Default Re: French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi

    Very nice set!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  3. #3

    Default Re: French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi

    Indeed - a very nice tunic.........!


  4. #4

    Default Re: French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi

    Beautiful jacket and cap


  5. #5

    Default Re: French army 1915 patt horizon blue medical officers tunic , with kepi

    Stunning set!!

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