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French WIA medal group

Article about: hello all! Ive had this group for a while now and its about time i posted it up. i was never good with the french laguage and Google translate can only do so much (any french collectors/ flu

  1. #1

    Default French WIA medal group

    hello all! Ive had this group for a while now and its about time i posted it up. i was never good with the french laguage and Google translate can only do so much (any french collectors/ fluent in french want to chime in your more than welcome) here goes.

    Jean Alexander Figuere was a career soldier in the French Colonial Army and veteran of two wars. in October of 1917, Jean was wounded attacking a fortified position. he was shot in the hip, left thigh, and buttocks receiving 10 wounds total. Jean makes a full recovery and eventually called to service again in the Franco Syrian war. In October of 1927 he was promoted to Adjutant. this highly decorated officer traveled to many of the French West African colonies such as Marco and Senegal. his records stop at 1938.

    A year or so after i bought this, i went through his dossier again for kicks. i guess the way i picked it up this time must have uncovered a flap. and what fell out of the pocket is a picture of who I assume is his wife.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture French WIA medal group   French WIA medal group  

    French WIA medal group   French WIA medal group  

    French WIA medal group   French WIA medal group  

    French WIA medal group  

  2. #2

    Default Re: French WIA medal group

    Last edited by medalman90; 02-02-2013 at 09:39 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: French WIA medal group

    I like it all how dang cool !!!! I never see a wounded in action one.
    Can we see some more pages please??
    My French connections can help with the trans.
    [h=3]e plu·ri·bus u·num[/h]

  4. #4

    Default Re: French WIA medal group

    i would love too, but as a non club member i don't think i can post more pictures. i reposed the thread because i forgot to add his wound records and decoration records. if you would like, i can always email more picture to you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: French WIA medal group

    I will post all you send.
    Pm sent.

    [h=3]e plu·ri·bus u·num[/h]

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