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Help with research.

Article about: Hello all, I am soon to be visiting Flanders and the Somme with some friends, one of which has a number of relatives who fought at various places on the western front. I am looking to find a

  1. #1

    Default Help with research.

    Hello all,

    I am soon to be visiting Flanders and the Somme with some friends, one of which has a number of relatives who fought at various places on the western front. I am looking to find any additional information on them and their respective regiments, if anyone could point me in the right direction I would be most grateful. I realise that this may be as much information as will ever be available to us but if anyone knows of possible further research options we can pursue that would be fantastic.

    Here are the details we know...

    Private Alfred, Ernest Fox
    Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 1st Battalion
    Died: 01/04/1918
    Service Number: 5219
    Cemetery: Tilloy British Cemetery

    Rifleman Frederick Gordon Stewart Fox
    Kings Royal Rifle Corps, "B" Coy 8th Battalion
    Died: 30/07/1915
    Service Number: A/3690
    Memorial: Ypres Menin Gate Memorial

    Private Joseph Neal
    Middlesex Regiment, "B" Coy. 23rd Battalion
    Died: 15/09/1916
    Service Number: 2361
    Cemetary: Delville Wood

    I would be particularly interested in ways to research the actions, locations and involvement of the regiments previously listed if anyone can help.


  2. #2
    kc1 is offline

    Default Re: Help with research.

    The Battleground Europe series are quite good for specific areas and times. They take you over a route and point out items of interest, often on ebay.
    No 1 in your list was probably a casualty of the German Spring offensive.
    No2 normal 'wastage' in and around Ypres
    No3 The Somme Offensive
    No 2 doesn't have a grave as such to visit and is commemorated by his name being inscribed on a panel on the Menin Gate. This being the gateway that most troops would have passed through on the way up the line from Ypres (Iper) often not returning. If you plan to view the Gate then go at 8 p.m where the Ypres firebrigade sound the last post which they have done without fail since ww1 apart from the period of German occupation in ww2. This is quite a moving occasion.
    There is also a site called Long Long Trail which is worth a visit and probably a better place to get the info you are after. Wish i was coming with you, good luck.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help with research.

    Hi Kc1,

    Many thanks for your most helpful response. I am looking into the Battleground series of books at the moment and they do look excellent.

    I have since discovered the war diary for the 8th KRRC and believe that Rifleman Frederick Gordon Stewart fox would most likely have been killed in the action at Sanctuary Wood. The diary reads as follows:

    "30th Friday. Enemy attack trenches occupied by 8th RB & 7th KRR at 3.00am. Using liquid fire at G3 and G4. Frontline trenches opposite Zouave Wood lost. Bombardment by our guns (and enemy guns reply) opens at 3.45am. 8th KRR ordered to reinforce 8th RB in Zouave Wd. D Company leads off getting to Zouave Wd at 6.30am. 3 Platoons under Major Crum & Captain Baker. Remainder of Btn goes to Sanctuary Wood. The 3 Platoon of D Coy reinforce a Coy of 8th RBs at the edge of Zouave Wood are heavily shelled, they are withdrawn to Sanctuary Wood at 12.0 noon. Lt Hawkes RAMC killed just past bridge 14 on way up to Sanctuary Wood with the battalion. Intensive bombardment by our own artillery opened at 2.15pm; Counter attack arranged for 2.45 – 8th Btn to support, 9th Btn attack to be launched from Sanctuary Wood. RB’s from Zouave Wood. Enemy machine gun fire makes it impossible to leave wood; edge of wood being heavily crumpled, a few platoons succeed in getting some way out from wood, A Coy & B Coy in (?) supported by C Coy. D Coy left in reserve in trench near frontline Headquarters (map Y) in SW. About 3.15pm – a message was received by Colonel Green from Major Seymour saying that the 7th Btn and our advance was stuck up & asking whether he should again attempt to push on. Col Green seeing that the RB attack had also been held up, decided to hold on and ask for orders. The order was shortly received from the Brigadier not to press attack further. Colonel Green issued orders for a trench to be dug through SANCTUARY WOOD at the point held by our firing line. This was done by all available men – helped by the 7th Notts & Derby & the DCLI who had sent 2 coys to reinforce. The losses had been very heavy including Captain WJ Davis – the adjutant Lt Watson killed & 8 officers wounded & NCOs and men. The medical arrangements were entirely inadequate. Dr Hawkes had been killed – only 1 Dr was available to cope with over 500 cases. Great difficulties were experienced in finding and collecting the wounded in the thick woods and when found in bringing them to dressing stations. It being impossible to bring ambulance within 900 yds of the first aid station many men had to remain out exposed for over 24 hours. This, coupled with the fact that the battalion had had no rations for 36 hours & suffered from want of water caused the loss of many fine riflemen who might have been saved. At about 3am a terrific rifle & MG fire was opened by both sides. The artillery and flare lights and rockets of both sides added to the confusion and what appeared to be a heavy night attack took place. The 7th Battalion & A & D Coys having been relieved – only B & C Coys & MGs were present. These took up position & awaited developments under Col Green. One MG under Rifleman Bentley particularly distinguished itself. At Daybreak the firing died down and the 2 Coys having been relieved withdrew. Col Green visiting Brigadier & Div General on the way reported fully on the events."

    We will certainly be attending the last post at Ypres during our visit and I will look into the trail you suggested! Many once again!

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