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Navy Mouth Canister Mask, second version

Article about: Another WW1 gas mask I own, c. 1917. Combines elements of the British Small Box Respirator and German GM-15. Notable features include the exhale valve on the filter stem and the fact that it

  1. #1

    Default Navy Mouth Canister Mask, second version

    Navy Mouth Canister Mask, second versionNavy Mouth Canister Mask, second version

    Another WW1 gas mask I own, c. 1917. Combines elements of the British Small Box Respirator and German GM-15. Notable features include the exhale valve on the filter stem and the fact that it's basically a SBR face piece with a large mechanism plate. Carried in a metal can similar to the GM-15.

    This is the second version of the mask, as shown by the support straps being on the inside of the face piece. Mine isn't in the best condition out of the ones I have seen, but it was owned by Chris Carey, and it's the one shown in the book "U.S. Chemical and Biological Defense Respirators: An Illustrated History".

  2. #2


    Very interesting!

    How is the inside "treated"... Is it "rubberised"?
    Or, as for instance the Danish post war masks, treated with a sticky "paste" similar to what is used to treat oilskin coats?

  3. #3


    It's hard to tell, exactly, because of the condition. I want to say it had the texture of an oilskin at one point, since it's definitely not rubberized.

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