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tea pot royal flying corps hospital 1916 to 1917

Article about: need some help on this says hospital 1916, to 1917 but ware please

  1. #1

    Default tea pot royal flying corps hospital 1916 to 1917

    need some help on this says hospital 1916, to 1917

    but ware please tea pot royal flying corps hospital 1916 to 1917

  2. #2


    37 Bryanston Square, London, W.


  3. #3


    still unsure on dates on tea pot the end date is 1917 but closed in 1919.
    so why the dates , ???

  4. #4


    Perhaps the dates indicate the time period when someone worked there ?

  5. #5


    could be that it was given to some one after royalty came for tea ???

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