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WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs

Article about: Hi all. This thread accompanies the one about the Mills Bomb that I posted. As I said, Vicky and I spent an interesting few hours with an elderly couple who wished to sell some ephemera that

  1. #1

    Default WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs

    Hi all. This thread accompanies the one about the Mills Bomb that I posted. As I said, Vicky and I spent an interesting few hours with an elderly couple who wished to sell some ephemera that belonged to the chaps father and uncle who served in the First World War. This group included letters, photographs and a fair number of glass plate negatives that have never been developed.

    The Father served in the ASC on the Western Front as a lorry driver (he brought the Mills Bomb back). I have the log book that he kept concerning his activities in 1917 in which it seems that he was mainly involves in transporting supplies between Albert and Puchevillers. According to his Son he also made extra cash by transporting soldiers going on leave from the front to the rear areas for a fee Here are some photos concerning him, including some from the glass negatives that I scanned. I particularly like the one of the back of his truck.

    PS. I should add that with regards to photos it is a pretty mixed bag. Some are not actually in my possession and were kindly scanned to me by his son (who in his late eighties is more computer literate than me) as I did not want them to be taken out of his family album.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs   WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs  

    WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs   WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs  

    WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs   WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs  

    Last edited by Spitace41; 08-17-2013 at 10:09 PM. Reason: Omission

  2. #2


    His Uncle, Captain Harry Edmonds, was in the RE in Mesopotamia. Included in the lot were a number of letters from him. There is on particularly interesting one which was sent to him, however. This letter followed him around from Mesopotamia to India and back to the UK..... he arrived back home before the letter did!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs   WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs  

    WW1 Glass Plate Negatives, Letters and Photographs  

  3. #3


    It also makes me proud to say that I have sent the developments of the glass plate negatives via email attachment back to his son, who after of having them in his possession, was ecstatic to finally know what was on them.

  4. #4


    And I would bet that this is precisely Why he kept that envelope all those years!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  5. #5


    Great images James and an interesting history with them. The two group photos are very good to see.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  6. #6


    Love the photos - and the envelope is to die for! Congratulations on sending the developed negatives to his son.

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