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WW1 Medals, Named to a family member

Article about: Hi guys. At long last, (hopefully!!) are my first set of downloads to the group. They are a set of WW1 medals, named for 101424 Spr JJ o'Rourk RE They were issued to my wife's late Great Gra

  1. #1

    Default WW1 Medals, Named to a family member

    Hi guys.

    At long last, (hopefully!!) are my first set of downloads to the group.

    They are a set of WW1 medals, named for 101424 Spr JJ o'Rourk RE

    They were issued to my wife's late Great Grandfather. We had them "court mounted and dipped" because she wears them when on parade with the scouts.
    The RE cap badge, medal ribbons, and envelope alonside are all original to them.


    AKA: Jimpy
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW1 Medals, Named to a family member   WW1 Medals, Named to a family member  

  2. #2

    Default Re: WW1 Medals, Named to a family member

    Hi Ian, the pics have come through fine

    It is always a great pleasure to view any militaria, but anything which is a family group is extra special and always interesting.

    Have you done any research on Sapper O'Rourke?

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: WW1 Medals, Named to a family member

    Hi Ade.

    We're still working on that side of things.
    My wife got a copy of his "card" from the Public Records Office in Kew, and we believe that he was also a Chelsea Pensioner at some point, so I am going to be chasing that angle sometime this year.

    Now that I have just about got this posting/attachment "thingy" sorted, (thanks again to the wife!!), I will also be posting some things from my late grandfather.

    All the best


    AKA: Jimpy

  4. #4

    Default Re: WW1 Medals, Named to a family member

    Hi Ian, the Chelsea Pensioner angle sounds interesting. I am sure they will have records.

    Cheers, Ade.

  5. #5

    Default Re: WW1 Medals, Named to a family member

    Join Ancestry for their 2 week trial, you have to join but can cancel before the 2 weeks expires. Look under the military records and see if your mans attestation papers escaped being burnt by the luftwaffe in ww2. From that you should be able to do a census search on ancestry and things expand rapidly from there.

  6. #6

    Default Re: WW1 Medals, Named to a family member


    Thanks for that mate. We are already paid up members of and a few other sites of a similar line as well as reader ticket holders of the National Archives in Kew.
    Cut a long story short, we got involved in the ancestry side of things when we found out that I was adopted and wanted to trace my biological family, enter the Public Records Office, the internet, and National Archives et al.
    Regards to all


    AKA: Jimpy

  7. #7


    Bearing in mind what today is, I thought that I would "bounce" this up. Hope nobody minds.

    My wife's late Great Grandfather's WWI medals

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

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