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Ask Price is €650.00, Approved is 1 and Status is 0

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close combat clasp silver


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1 €650.00 895 Tue October 6, 2020


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€650.00 €11.00 Good


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The Close Combat Clasp (German: Nahkampfspange) was a  ww2 German military award instituted on 25 November 1942 for participation in Hand to Hand fighting at close quarters. Intended primarily for infantry, wehrmacht, Waffen SS, ground luftwaffe units and paratroopers were eligible.

This is a “Silver” example, made by Friedrich Linden. It is a combat worn example and as such has some wear, plenty of its silver finish remains to tell it from the other classes, still a very prestigious award!


The award was bestowed in three classes:

  • Bronze for 15 close combat actions;

  • Silver for 25 close combat actions;

  • Gold for 50 close combat actions.

Keywords: close combat clasp silver

20141226_210923.jpg 20141226_210826.jpg


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