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Austro-Hungarian military document???

Article about: Hello everyone I have recently stumbled upon this old paper written in hungarian among other thing belonging to a hungarian soldier, Nagy imre. I do not know hungarian so can anybody tell me

  1. #1

    Default Austro-Hungarian military document???

    Hello everyone
    I have recently stumbled upon this old paper written in hungarian among other thing belonging to a hungarian soldier, Nagy imre. I do not know hungarian so can anybody tell me what it is exactly?
    Any help would be much appreciated
    S. Botan
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Austro-Hungarian military document???   Austro-Hungarian military document???  

  2. #2


    Nagyvarad 1940 dated, there are certainly native magyars in Romania, that could help You with translation.

  3. #3



    In it, a disabled corporal soldier of the 1st Hungarian World War describes his 781 days of service, when and where he served, on the second page the time of his promotions, when he received a 3rd class gallantry medal and that he was promised a gold gallantry medal, which he did not receive until the time of writing the letter.

    If you need to be more specific, I can help.
    I hope I could help. Peeloo

  4. #4


    Thank you very very much for your reply
    I was extremely curious what was written in the document as I am neither able to read or understand hungarian nor have someone to help me with the translation. I had an aunt of hungarian descent with the same family name - Nagy - but she unfortunately passed away few years ago and thus I was in the dark with the document. I want to put the document and the medals in a frame and I was curious about the soldier s whereabouts.
    Thank you again
    All the best
    S. Botan

  5. #5


    Hello, I’m Hungarian, so I can read it, here’s the translation:
    Data of Imre Nagy, former disabled corporal of the 39th Infantry Regiment in Debrecen
    a, civilian personal data:
    Name: Imre Nagy, father: Sándor Nagy, mother: Zsuzsanna Borsi
    religion: Reformed
    place of birth: Albis, Margitta district, Bihar county
    time: October 8, 1892
    occupation: farmer
    date of enlistment: May 5, 1914.
    time of enlistment: August 25, 1914
    military position: K.U.K. Inf. long ago. no. 39 IV. Ers. company pedigree number: 831.

    b, Accounting for military time from enlistment to disability
    Column 1: From where to when?
    25 Aug 1917 ................until 02 XI 1916
    Column 2: At a military unit
    39th Infantry Regiment IV. Ers., resort
    Column 3: Where?
    Column 4: Why? (service or status)
    For training...........medical observation (shot in the head)
    Column 5: Number of days:
    98..........................41 total: 781 days
    Column 6: notes:
    +15 days in Debrecen
    of which I was on vacation for 15 days
    I was declared disabled

    I vouch for the data in this statement.

    Nagyvárad Nov. 1940 on the 7th
    Your humble servant: signature (Imre Nagy)

    From enlistment until I was declared disabled, I served:
    781 days: Of this, training: 98 days, battlefield service: 347 days, wounded in hospital 315 days, marching battalion: 21 days. Total: 781 days
    For the data in the statement on the other side, I humbly ask you to take the following into account:
    I was promoted to "gefreiter" on 3/31/1916
    On 05.06.1916 I was promoted to "corporal" and in the first week of June I was nominated for promotion to "zugsführer".
    I received the B, 3rd class gallantry medal in the snow of April or May 1916, and I was waiting for the gold gallantry medal promised for my volunteering for the occupation of the "Hohentrieb" on July 4, 1915, which I am still waiting for.
    Dated Nagyvárad, 11/7/1940
    their humble servant: disabled corporal Imre Nagy, Attila utca 59.


  6. #6


    39IR was named Freiherr von Conrad, Staff and I and III.Batallion located at Vienna, II.Bat. and Ers.units at Debreczen.

  7. #7


    Extraordinary information!!!! Thank you very much. It means a lot to find out more about him. I also have his photo with something written on the back and his medals. I am thinking to frame them for display
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Austro-Hungarian military document???   Austro-Hungarian military document???  

  8. #8


    The text of the postcard: my dear parents, I could speak a lot by the time I got home, but my tongue doesn't work. I received it today, but I'm sure they didn't do it right. Imre

  9. #9


    What could mean " I received it today bit I am sure they didn't do it right"? Is he refering to his tongue affected by the head wound?

  10. #10


    Hello, Unfortunately, the system has not allowed you to send messages so far... It said "I received it today", it is not clear from the context of the text what it could have been written about, perhaps it could have been the hospital paper about the discharge.
    Regards, Peeloo

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