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SS Bargain and Some old memories

Article about: This one is for FB and some of the SS knowledgable collectors on here. I Think I have posted some of this before but the topic of the Green Cammo Eagle the other night made me think of this.

  1. #1

    Default SS Bargain and Some old memories

    This one is for FB and some of the SS knowledgable collectors on here. I Think I have posted some of this before but the topic of the Green Cammo Eagle the other night made me think of this. One of Old Jack at Globe's special's and some old bargains from a old dealer. The cover is made from original plain tree material but not what it appears they were made from cut up shelter quarters listed in his 1978 catalog Waffen SS first model helmet covers Two hundred each. He forgot to add fake as a three dollar bill. And I am sure he impaled a lot of people with them and many other items wish I could have found one of his old lists. But them were the days. timothy
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2


    Thank you. I recall all of this with great clarity. I was never one for Waffen SS camouflauge, though I owned one smock, I think, briefly. Thanks for the evidence of a simpler past.

    - - Updated - -

    catalog x2 1 copy.jpgThis Manion's catalog is also from the same year.

  3. #3


    Notice hair and beard on said male model of jacket. It's not me at all.

  4. #4


    Notary .jpgUntitled 2.jpgMy SS headwear ca. 1973 or so all gone...

  5. #5


    I knew you would remember it FB is the 1973 SS headgear all ok. Or good stuff. timothy

  6. #6


    Notary copy.jpgThe 1973 material of mine was all quite real. It was much easier to find real material and recognize it as such, because the fakes were primitive and easier to spot.

  7. #7


    Yeah I was 100% sure it was you're right about that the stuff was more crude back then. However I would give anything to show my old Black Algemine SS visor I got from Jack he said he got a box of them from a old police station in Germany I remember it had a brown and black RZM tag inside it Oh well as hard as those were to be real I wish I would have kept it for a memory but with him anything was posible. Thanks timothy

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