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Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

Article about: yes Gary this is correct all three samples are from England and not Middle East will seek additional photos of the Middle East

  1. #681

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

  2. #682

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?


    In my opinion uniform looks great and genuine! but not paratrooper... :P

    Best Regards

  3. #683

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    I think the seller mentioned a whole estate collection he is selling on different auctions - WWI, WWII, USMC paratrooper, etc

  4. #684

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    Quote by MichalMag View Post
    In my opinion uniform looks great and genuine! ...
    A good looking tunic. The tailor was a known supplier to the Poles stationed in Glasgow.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  5. #685

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    Quote by ze-pole View Post

    An auction will take place in next june (on 2nd and 3rd june), in Normandy, at Caen.

    A big collection will be proposed. The man lived in Falaise. He collected items from the German, English, Canadian, a little American and also Polish army.

    About the 1rst Polish Arm Div, there will be two battledress (CKM and HQ) and a panel from electrical and mechanical engineers.

    You can see these items on my blog.

    1° D.B. Polonaise du Général Maczek

    I can't post the pictures on the forum. There will a book for this auction.

    Best regards.

    To follow up Stéphane’s earlier post, this auction took place last weekend. I thought it might be of interest to post a couple of the results. This BD to a 1st Lt. of the 1st Independent HMG Squadron realized a hefty hammer price of 2000EU (2,619USD / 1701GBP / 8581PLN):

    Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    This metal sign with electrical and mechanical engineer designation sold for 880EU:

    Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?


    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  6. #686

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    I were to these auctions...
    I couldn't buy these items. A shame... I have giot a BD from the CKM squadron, but this one was nomintive.
    For the pannel, too expensive for me. I prefer the tunics and documents. But it is in good hands, I know the buyer, and he is a passionnated by Polish also.

  7. #687

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    Hi Stéphane, I just realized I should have credited you with kindly providing the auction results. Sorry about that, and thank you again!

    I’ll also add the link to French television coverage of this auction that you provided. The CKM squadron BD is visible on the display rack along with several other BD blouses:

    Caen : la vente d'objets militaires attire les collectionneurs passionnés - France 3 Basse-Normandie

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  8. #688

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    Hello Tony,
    Interesting video indeed, on which you can se my sad face, several times...

  9. #689

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    This uniform was good, and interesting for the forum :



  10. #690

    Default Re: Auction items .. Good, Bad or Indifferent ?

    Hello Mr. ZP - yes, that was a very nice BD. One of the few genuine ones to pop up for sale. One look at the ‘Questions and Answers’ at bottom of the auction listing shows that predictably it brought out the vultures who tried to get the auction closed early. One of the lowball offers was even posted. Good thing the seller stood his ground.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

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