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Headstone of Field Marshal Walter Model stolen from Cemetery

Article about: Argunners Magazine April 25, 2015 Today, Argunners, was making a photographic reportage of various Military Cemeteries in and around Hürtgenwald such as the German Military Cemetery Vossenac

  1. #11


    Utter scum!...

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Headstone of Field Marshal Walter Model stolen from Cemetery
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  3. #12


    Thanks for the info...There are more honest collectors than thieving ones, and it is in our own best interest to keep eyes & ears open should something like this reach the Militaria Market...I won't buy German Dog Tag halves for the same reason...
    cheers, Glenn

  4. #13


    No need to move this thread....... Disgraceful is just the beginning of utter contempt. My greatest definition for the breed of sub-culture that would perform such a heinous act is " POS " ... PIECE OF S**T

    Stupid is being too kind of an adjective. Sorry to see this happen in such a great hobby. Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  5. #14


    This is just bad.

  6. #15


    Shabby, stupid, criminal and just plain all kinds of wrong.

  7. #16


    Sadly this kind of sick theft is not unknown. Michael Wittman's gravestone has been stolen more than once.


    Cheers, Ade.
    Had good advice? Saved money? Why not become a Gold Club Member, just hit the green "Join WRF Club" tab at the top of the page and help support the forum!

  8. #17
    mpw is offline


    I assume this is what they stole? For the life of me I can't understand why.Headstone of Field Marshal Walter Model stolen from Cemetery

  9. #18


    Yes that is it.
    Had good advice? Saved money? Why not become a Gold Club Member, just hit the green "Join WRF Club" tab at the top of the page and help support the forum!

  10. #19


    It wasn't even ornate or decorated...the person that took it has got to be some sort of Ghoul....

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

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