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    NSKK Ärmelwinkel für alte Kämpfer

    First pattern chevron modified with the addition of the NSKK-eagle. High-quality handwork, probably made for high-ranking leader.

    09-25-2024, 01:39 PM
    Great War Camps

    New member

    Hi Folks,

    I have had an interest both world wars, since my grandad showed me his photo album from when he was a Tank Transport between

    09-25-2024, 01:11 PM

    Verwundetenabzeichen im Silber - marked 107

    Hello guys,

    I saw this verwundetenabzeichen im Silber in worn condition- marked 107.

    What do you guys think, is

    09-25-2024, 01:41 PM

    Pickelhaube for restoration

    I have this rather sad looking Pickelhaube that is in need of restoration. The rear tail is so dry it has started to break, I do have the pieces that

    09-25-2024, 12:38 PM

    Heer buckles real or fake

    I believe these 3 buckles to be original but I thought I'd defer to the greater experience in the forum. Do all the buckles look original?

    09-25-2024, 01:13 PM

    Unmarked totenkopf

    Hello guys,
    Is it original or fake?

    09-25-2024, 02:08 PM
  • Designer of the SA symbol known

    This is what the "Uniformen-Markt" from May 1, 1936 says on page 86:
    (published also in the magazine "Der SA-Mann", number 15 from 1936):
    the SA symbol originated from a 1929-contest, which was lauched by the
    SA High-Command. The design was handed over by Hans Zöberlein (the
    well-known poet) and the leader from Sturmbann II from Standarte "List"
    from Munich, Obersturmbannführer Max Zankl.

    The symbol was the old Teutonic sign for lightning together with the so-called
    "Mannrune" (the symbol of a stern and unbending man with a flaming sword).
    Both symbols were combined with a ring. Later the hook to connect both was

    Attachment 597110

    Maybe it was Heck who added the hook, but this is not mentioned!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Is the designer of the SA symbol known? started by 4thskorpion View original post
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