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    Early style core.. any ideas?

    I have this cross, 1914 but the only others I can find with this core are 1870 EK2's. The base of the stalk is quite distinctive and the ring is marked

    10-06-2024, 10:39 AM

    K marked Non Combatant EKII

    A very recent pick up for me, 2 weeks ago, is this nice Non Combatant EK2 with a medium length of original silk ribbon. The cross is an early core and

    10-06-2024, 09:24 AM

    M36 Breast Eagle (Cut off tunic)

    Hey Insignia collectors,

    I Just purchased this M36 Breast eagle Cut off.
    Needing some help to authenticate if the stitching on this

    10-06-2024, 08:33 AM

    Unmarked DJ buckle

    One piece from my collection, unmarked DJ.

    Regards Jirka

    10-06-2024, 10:00 AM

    M40 heer single decal for 600$?

    I got this size 62 helmet for 600$. Does it looks good?

    10-06-2024, 08:37 AM

    DLV/RLB Buckle Opinions

    I think this is DLV, but unsure because of the controversy over the wing style. I ran across this buckle and wondering if it's legit. It's unmarked, not

    10-06-2024, 01:06 PM
  • SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    The origins of the insignia in the SS Totenkopfverbaende, or SS Wachverbaende as they were called in 1935 in the documents below give rise to much speculation.

    The cuff titles were introduced in the latter part of 1935, for instance, the one pictured here.

    This regalia was subject to strict control as you see here. Attachment 239298Attachment 225218

    Nor will you find this information on the baby talk, forehead free pressure websites, where indignation and affect drive out analysis and research.Attachment 225219

    • Of note, too, for us fans of Austria is the advent of the "SS Sammelstelle" cuff title around this time, as well, that is summer and fall of 1935.

      see extract in post 3 below.
    • I may be re-stating the obvious here, but I had not seen this item before, and since the "Oberbayern" issue is of more than tangential interest to me, I include it here.

      One also notes that the prices for "dead heads" went down around this time, too, which indicates something subtle, but I cannot fathom what.

      Someone should get out their oiyja (sp) board for some automatic writing to the Deschler foreman who talks in the heads of certain members of other fora.
    • Here a subtle issue of collar patches explained in the original source, which should give sober pause to the embroidery experts on other sites, with their terminal flatulence engendered by a deep indigestion about the past.

      I will let others translate all of this, since I did enough work just to find it all.
    • A word to the curious. The SS Beschaffungsamt in the RZM (with its organizational bridge to the VA SS) was renamed Abteilung 10 in the midst of the reorganization of the RZM in the course of 1935.....
    • And no wonder that today SS uniform causes so much headache around the world, for no one knew how to distinguish pieces of uniform at said time, i.e. Breecheshose versus Stiefelhose.

      thanks to Robert H for his image.....
    • Or here in the case of the summer weight uniforms as well as drill cotton varieties.
    • the shadows in which arose what are now foetid woolens......
    • Attached Images
    • Allow me to add an example of the cuff title in wear (by Alfred Rodenbücher). Please see here:
    • Originally Posted by Friedrich-Berthold
      I will let others translate all of this, since I did enough work just to find it all.

      I'll have a go...
      "49,35 Cuff Titles for SS-Guard Units

      In issue 22 of 2 August 1935, price changes for cuff titles (items no. 1052 through 1056) have been announced.
      These cuff titles, which are exclusively worn by members of the SS-Guard Units, may not be distributed by the authorized retail outlets, but, for reasons of control, may only be purchased by SS-agencies directly from the
      16,35 SS-Trousers

      When ordering SS-trousers, a differentiation has to be made between the SS-boot-cut trousers
      [Stiefelhosen] and the breeches [Breecheshosen], which had been previously designated as service trousers [Diensthosen]. Contrary to the service trousers, the boot-cut trousers are of a type that can neither be laced nor buttoned at the calves, but which is fastened around the ankles by drawstrings.
      Therefore, when placing orders, it is to be precicesly stated whether boot-cut trousers or breeches are desired.
      "27,35 Summer Uniform and Drill Clothing for the SS.

      Is is once again stressed that the ready-for-wear manufacture of any kind of SS-clothing is prohibited. This applies to suits made of summer-weight twill, to drill work clothing and to any kind of special clothing. All orders for these items of clothing are exclusively made by the RZM and may only be carried out on behalf of the RZM. The sole exception to this is fully bespoke tailoring
      (Off to lunch now. More later in the afternoon...)
    • The one thing that stands out in all of this, I am no longer certain as concerns the numbers one associates with certain makers, since there such flux in the whole thing.
      The secondary sources do not do this fact justice at all.

    • "30,35 Sale of SS-Items

      In consultation with the
      Reichsführung-SS, permission is given to the authorized retail outlets that from now on, the following SS-itmes may also be sold:
      SS-drill suits,
      SS-sports clothing insignia, woven,
      Sale of these items is only permitted after an examination of the SS-identification card.
      Sale of the SS-enlisted ranks' belt buckles is still prohibited to the retail outlets.
      "9,35 SS-Price Lists

      The RZM payment terms according to which orders of at least 50.--
      Reichsmarks are delivered free of charge for costs of packaging and postage remain unchanged.

      10,35 Collar Patches and Cuff Titles

      We stress once more that collar patches and cuff titles in aluminum embroidery are only worn by
      Untersturmführer and higher.
      Special regulations exist only for the
    • "8,35 SS-Shoulder Boards and Service Badges

      The SS-Procurement Office
      [Beschaffungsamt-SS] announces herewith that from now on shoulder boards for SS-Men are issued in black/aluminum. The previously issued shoulder boards in black/white are still in compliance with regulations and may thus be sold off by the retail outlets. A redemption of the aforementioned items by the SS-Procurement Office shall not be undertaken under any circumstances; return consignments that are received despite of this shall be returned to the sender without a reimbursement.
      At this point, it should be pointed out that collar patches and cuff titles for SS-Men are only in stock with white embroidery and thus cannot be supplied with silver-grey embroidery. Thus, the orders and enquries that still arrive in large numbers despite repeated announcements are pointless
      13,35 Department 10, previously SS-Procurement Office [Beschaffungsamt SS]

      It is announced that the designation 'SS-Procurement Office' is abolished for organizational reasons. The previous SS-Procurement Office is now designated:
      Reichszeugmeisterei - Department 10.
      The previous address as the SS-Procurement Office is thus discontinued. All correspondence destined for this department are to be addressed to Department 10 of the Reichszeugmeisterei."
    • Thanks for your kind and fine translation. Such illustrates the reality of this regalia versus the dim witted understanding of regulations and German society as manifest among many collectors and self anointed cyber savants in a period that ended some forty or thirty years before they were born....
      SS enlisted insignia underwent several generalized changes, but did not do so in the manner that the secondary works depict. Such has considerable implications for collectors of SS insignia, in fact.
    • ...And one of particular interest:
      "76,35 Delivery of blank Collar Patches

      Up until now regulations were in force to the effect that only fully-finished - i.e. already embroidered - collar patches were allowed to be delivered to the wholesalers and retail outlets.
      However, since the authorized wholesalers and retail outlets frequently run into sales difficulties when individual patches with special cyphers are ordered, we permit the cloth insignia manufactures to deliver blank patches. However, the embroidery of these patches as and when required may only be undertaken by an authorized embroidery business, a fact which we particularly stress.
      In order to control compliance with these regulations, the
      Reichszeugmeisterei issues new control tags [Erkennungsmarken] at a price of 1/2 Pfennig. The manufacturers of blank patches are required to apply such a control tag to o n e patch out of every pair. On the other patch, which is to be embroidered, an matching control tag is to applied by the embroidery business.
      For collar patches that are fully finished by the same company, the previous control tag at 1
      Pfennig pertains. "
    • "76,35 Delivery of blank Collar Patches

      Up until now regulations were in force to the effect that only fully-finished - i.e. already embroidered - collar patches were allowed to be delivered to the wholesalers and retail outlets.
      However, since the authorized wholesalers and retail outlets frequently run into sales difficulties when individual patches with special cyphers are ordered, we permit the cloth insignia manufactures to deliver blank patches. However, the embroidery of these patches as and when required may only be undertaken by an authorized embroidery business, a fact which we particularly stress.
      In order to control compliance with these regulations, the
      Reichszeugmeisterei issues new control tags [Erkennungsmarken] at a price of 1/2 Pfennig. The manufacturers of blank patches are required to apply such a control tag to o n e patch out of every pair. On the other patch, which is to be embroidered, an matching control tag is to applied by the embroidery business.
      For collar patches that are fully finished by the same company, the previous control tag at 1
      Pfennig pertains. "
      Thanks, too, for your yeoman work with all these Schnipsel of the dark past. The piece on collar patches is interesting, since such reflects what is obvious that there is great variety in embroidery, granted that in former times such embroidery firms existed in plenty. The mechanism of the tags is also noteworthy, since this excerpt explains the fee system that went with the tags. This material has more merit than the balderdash and archaeological clap trap, if it even deserves that title, that reigns supreme on the other gee whiz, baby talk, lord of the flies site, whose purpose is other than knowledge.

      The RZM circulars make far more vivid and tangible, as do the UM articles, the reality of this regalia, which emerges imbedded in a German society, economy, culture and state in the consolidation of the Nazi state and the imposition of control---the attempt, versus some zombie like science fiction novel interpetation---on a section of the German economy.
      The secondary works, with the exception of Mollo, do not do this material justice at all, neither the Wilkins book nor the Beaver books, which are far too linear, two dimensional, and suffused of the odd mentality of the SOS and MAX shows, or what the internet nemesis of Knight's Cross holders calls the Oligarchy.

      The "take aways," to use this stupid phrase, from the entries about insignia are: a.) changes in regalia in the regulations caused confusion and push back not the least in the quartermaster and procurement structure, because of thrift and the entropy inherent in such persons as ran said organization; in the second instance, b.) this whole thing was hardly as monolithic and unitary as the buff and non book reader amateur would believe, especially with reliance on a single sentence gleaned from a website. The primary sources do not have nice illustrations, as a rule, but they contain the original voice of the past, in this case in a hectoring German with an Oberbayern accent, that does not emerge elsewhere.
      Thanks to my colleague in Germany for his nuanced and skilled translations.

      Anyone who has served in a military organization will also recognize the truth of the above, since these phenomena endure and flourish among Etappenmenschen here and there.
    • The things I have found in the RZM circulars are very compelling, in fact. I have been reading principally for SS and some other headwear things. I am sure others would read more carefully and with a more critical eye than do I. 224691
    • Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

      The riddles and enigmas of foetid woolens will weigh on those more who fail to enlighten themselves through their own exertions.
    • To lend a concrete example to the generalization I offer above, elsewhere on this site, a member here wrongly suggests that the bulk of German caps were made in an industrial manner. Perhaps in quantitative terms this might have been the case; but, in reality, there existed thousands of handicraft cap makers, whose licenses from the RZM in the era 1934-1935 were in a state of flux. That is, such licenses were granted by the NSDAP RZM and then revoked for whatever reason. These handicraft firms are much more interesting to me, at least, among whom was Mueller, who made many black SS caps, despite its being a handicraft operation.
      The guild dimension of this reality does not get sufficient analysis, not the least because certain American collectors have no idea about German society and economy, to say nothing of culture. I am a US American, so I can generalize this way. Without an understanding of society and economy, one can seldom penetrate the deeper character of this regalia, not the least to detect fakes, which is not my goal here at all. My goal is to understand "wie es eigentlich gewesen," in the most sublime sense. I have wanted to read these RZM circulars for more than forty years, and now I am able to do so and happily share the results with you here. Thanks for your collaboration in this globalized and digital attempt at "wie es eigentlich gewesen..." in the sense of von Ranke.

    • Some more for my friend in Germany to translate, and you will find much merit in same, granted the little gems that are here. See if you can find them, dear readers, we shall play a game. I should not have to be the Oberstudienrat all the time, like Emil Jannings in the film.

    • "39,35 Verdict

      In the name of the German People!

      Penal Case

      vs. the merchant Moritz Schwarzschild, born 1 November 1872 at Stuttgart, place of residence at Berlin-Charlottenburg, Leibnitzstraße 58, for an offense against § 5 subparagraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the Law of 20 December 1934.

      Based on the main trials of 22 and 26 July 1935, the Special Court
      [Sondergericht] of the District Court [Landgericht] Berlin has adjudged the following:

      For an offense against § 5 subparagraph 1 of the
      Law against Malignant Attacks against the State and the Party and for the Protection of Party Uniforms [Gesetz gegen heimtückische Angriffe auf Staat und Partei und zum Schutz der Parteiuniformen] of 20 December 1934, instead of the principally incurred prison sentence of 1 -one- month, the defendant is sentenced to a fine of 300 -three hundred- Reichsmarks and the costs of the legal proceedings.

      The impounded
      102 SS-canteen covers
      776 SA- and PO*)-canteen covers
      29 PO-canteens
      553 large PO-bread bags
      122 large SS-bread bages
      17 SA-pants, old color, corduroy
      are confiscated
      *)= Politische Organisation, [Political Organization], i.e. the NSDAP's Corps of Political Leaders

      § 5 of said law dealt with the unauthorized commercial production, stocking, sale or other distribution of uniforms, uniform parts, cloth, flags or badges of the NSDAP, its divisions and associate bodies. The set penalty for such offenses was a prison sentence of up to two years.
    • "28,35 Price Changes and new Items in the SS Price List

      To be included in the price list of May 1935 are the following price changes, which are effective immediately upon publication.

      Price Changes

      No. 80 Field cap, earth grey, for SS-Man 2.20 RM apiece
      No. 164 Shirt 5.25 RM apiece

      New Items

      No. 815
      Reichs Party Day Badge 1935 -.50 RM apiece
      No. 897 Cuff title, aluminum borders, silver-grey embroidery, '
      SS-Reiterschule Forst' 1.10 RM apiece
      No. 944a Cuff title, light-blue borders, blank, for Reserves -.13 RM apiece
      No. 1032 Cuff title, aluminum borders, aluminum embroidery, '
      SS-Reiterschule Forst' 3.90 RM apiece
      No. 1041 Cuff title with aluminum borders, aluminum embroidery, '
      Deutschland' 2.65 RM apiece
      No. 1170 Cuff title, aluminum embroidery, ivory-colored, blank 0.25 RM apiece
      (The ivory-colored cuff title being for honorary officers.)

      Oddly, the cuff title for the SS Equestrian School at Forst is given as SS-Reiterschule Forst [= SS-Riders' School Forst] rather than SS-Reitschule Forst [= SS-Riding School Forst], which was the school's proper name.

    • "25,35 Price Changes and new Items in the SS Price List

      To be included in the price list of May 1935 are the following price changes, which are effective immediately upon publication.

      Price Changes

      No. 180 SS underpants, ribbed make 1.85 RM apiece
      No. 209 SS ear warmers, black -.27 RM per pair
      No. 520 SS flashlight
      [= baton shape], complete, black 4.60 RM apiece
      No. 524 SS flashlight
      [= box shape], black 3.20 RM apiece
      No. 859 SS sleeve badge for musicians, aluminum embroidery -.70 RM apiece
      No. 1206a SS collar patches, silver-grey, with black artificial silk embroidery for
      Stammabteilung, with Riders' Badge [i.e. a 'crossed lances' device] and No. 1-99 -.26 RM per pair
      No. 1213a SS collar patches, silver-grey, with black artificial silk embroidery for
      Stammabteilung, with Signals Badge [i.e. a 'lightning bolt' device] and No. 1-99 -.26 RM per pair
      No. 1301 SS collar patches, for
      Nachrichten-Sturmbann [Signals Battalion], aluminum embroidery, 'SS-Lightning Bolt' -.85 RM per pair
      No. 1312 SS collar patches for
      Oberführer, aluminum embroidery 5.45 RM per pair
      No. 1314 SS collar patches for
      Gruppenführer, aluminum embroidery 7.10 RM per pair
      No. 1315 SS collar patches for
      Obergruppenführer, aluminum embroidery 7.75 RM per pair
      No. 1695 SS sidehooks, matt, silver grey, made of nickel-silver wire -.08 RM apiece

      Collar patches for
      Stammabteilungen will only be made-to-order. For this, we require a period of delivery of 14 days after receipt of the order.

      New Items

      No. 1003 SS-cuff title with dark-blue borders,
      '5 Werner Hannemann', silver-grey embroidery -.86 RM apiece
      No. H 174 SS-cuff title, aluminum borders,
      'San.Abt. Ost' silver-grey embroidery -.62 RM apiece
      No. H 175 SS-cuff title, aluminum borders,
      'San.Abt. Ost' aluminum embroidery 2.20 RM apiece"
      The collar patches for the equestrian and signals Stammabteilungen are of particular interest here.

      All references that I am aware of describe the collar patches of the Stammabteilungen as having a district [Bezirk] number corresponding to that of the appropriate Fußstandarte (no additional devices) and that is the only pattern I have ever seen in period photographs or in images of original uniforms or insignia. I must admit I have never heard of "specialist" Stammabteilung formations and insignia before!

      I wouldn't be surprised if d'Alquen had more data on the subject, but it is certainly a little-known one and one which isn't in the standard references like Mollo, Angolia etc.

    • "26,35 Price Changes and new Items in the SS Price List

      To be included in the price list of May 1935 are the following price changes, which are effective immediately upon publication.

      Price Changes
      No. 82 Field caps for officers 3.66 RM apiece
      No. 164 Shirts,
      indanthren*), with hem 5.-- RM apiece
      No. 1132 Cuff title, dark-blue borders,
      '5 Hellinger", aluminum embroidery 2.26 RM apiece
      No. 1141 Cuff title, red borders,
      '10 Karl Laforce', aluminum embroidery 2.83 RM apiece
      No. 1383 Swallows' Nests for leaders of fife-and-drum corps**) 6.95 RM per pair

      New Item
      No. 61a Enlisted men's cap, tricot, black 4.21 RM apiece
      *) This means that the textile material does not fade from exposure to sunlight and does not bleed color when laundered.

      **) SZ-Führer = Spielmannszug-Führer
    • More rules and regulations...:
      "29,35 SS Tricot Caps

      It is estimated that delivery of SS tricot caps can only be undertaken in some 2 to 3 weeks time. Existing stocks of cloth caps will have to be used up first.

      30,35 Made-to-measure tailoring
      A delivery period of 8 days is required for made-to-measure items. Appointing an earlier date is futile.

      31,35 Order Dates
      Due to the volume of mail that is to be proceeded, a delivery period of at least days is demanded. Orders with earlier appointed dates will be immediately proceeded and sent by express courier at the orderer's expense.

      32,35 Order Cards
      Instead of the red retail outlet cards, from now on the green order cards (previously only intended for tailoring) shall be universally used."
    • "40,35 Individual Purchases

      In order to avoid misapprehension, we expressly point out that every i n d i v i d u a l member of a formation of the NSDAP may undertake the purchase of items of clothing and equipment as well as of badges of rank from any authorized master craftsman or retail outlet.
      The decrees made by offices apply only to their own purchases.

      22,35 Orders from the Price List

      All orders are to include numbers, namely those according to the price list published in May 1935. For changes to this list, see the RZM's official bulletins
      [Mitteilungsblätter]. From now on, orders referring to numbers from long-invalid price lists shall not be fulfilled.

      23,35 SS Orders

      Due to the high cost involved (cash-on-delivery- and postage fees etc.), orders amounting to less than 1.-- RM will not be fulfilled anymore.

      24,35 Precise Statement of Addresses

      For all orders and correspondence, we request very c l e a r writing and the statement of the exact address as well as the use of the company stamp.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions. started by Friedrich-Berthold View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. greimers's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      greimers -
      I would appreciate anyone's opinion on this OberBayern Cuff title?
    1. greimers's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      greimers -
      Any opinions please?
    1. Thepro570's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Thepro570 -
    1. Phil Beekmeijer's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Phil Beekmeijer -
      Interesting. In my collection I have this photo of an SS Bayern soldier.
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