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Post your death notices

Article about: That depends really Dagon, i can read the printed words on the death cards but actual handwritting can be a totally different matter, it can be quite difficult sometimes but i could try

  1. #901


    Post your death notices
    Post your death notices
    Name: Gerhard Drechsler
    Date of birth: 23.11.1919
    Place of birth: Gückebberg/Floha
    Death/missing date: 22.6.1941
    Death/missing place: Straße Widomla und Pruzana

    A Gefreiter in Aufklärungs St. 6 (H) 32 Pz.

    Post your death notices
    Name: Richard Lienert
    Date of birth: 20.12.1918
    Place of birth: Warschard
    Death/missing date: 20.9.1941
    Death/missing place: H.V.Pl Semipalki Sanko 2/156

    verstorben: granate splitter zertrüm der linken unterkiefers (grenade splinter shattered the lower left jaw)
    An Oberschütze in 1./Infanterie Regiment 234

    Post your death notices
    Name: Erich Höhn
    Date of birth: 4.10.1915
    Place of birth: Plaue bei Chemnitz
    Death/missing date: 10.9.1941
    Death/missing place: Tjurchowa

    Gefallen: infanterie geschuß herzschuß (heart shot)
    An Obergefreiter in 7./Infanterie Regiment 476

    Post your death notices
    Name: Paul Friedrich
    Date of birth: 6.2.1921
    Place of birth: Chemnitz
    Death/missing date: 23.10.1941
    Death/missing place: Nesarjewo

    Gefallen: infanterie geschuß brust und bauch (shot in the chest and stomach)
    A Pionier in 3./Pionier Bataillon 292

    Post your death notices
    Name: Gerhard Köhler
    Date of birth: 14.4.1921
    Place of birth: Floha
    Death/missing date: 18.10.1941
    Death/missing place: Poljzo

    Gefallen: artilleriw geschuß voltreffer (direct hit by artillery shell)
    A Sturmmann in 9./SS Totenkopf Infanterie Regiment 1

    Post your death notices
    Name: Helmut Weiß
    Date of birth: 3.1.1916
    Place of birth: Floha
    Death/missing date: 6.11.1941
    Death/missing place: Parpatsch

    Gefallen: artillerie geschuß kopf
    An Unteroffizier in 6./Infanterie Regiment 72

    Post your death notices
    Name: Walter Hampel
    Date of birth: 5.1.1909
    Place of birth: Berlin-Wilmersdorf
    Death/missing date: 6.11.1941
    Death/missing place: Atamano-Wlasowsky, 60 km nordlich Rostow

    A Gefreiter in 3./schwere Artillerie Abteilung 844

    Post your death notices
    Name: Paul Krumbiegel
    Date of birth: 2.1.1920
    Place of birth: Floha
    Death/missing date: 12.11.1941
    Death/missing place: südlich Wyborg

    Gefallen: artillerie geschuß voltreffer (direct hit by artillery shell)
    A Gefreiter in 13./Fallschirmjäger Regiment 3

    Post your death notices
    Name: Pul Berger
    Date of birth: 2.1.1920
    Place of birth: Dresden
    Death/missing date: 25.11.1941
    Death/missing place: bei Bol-Wloja

    An Oberschütze in 2./Infanterie Regiment 2

    Post your death notices
    Name: Otto Schröber
    Date of birth: 15.8.1913
    Place of birth: Lichtenwalde
    Death/missing date: 9.12.1941
    Death/missing place: Kosjimino

    Gefallen: infanterie geschuß herz (shot in the heart)
    A Gefreiter in 9./Infanterie Regiment 185

    Post your death notices
    Name: Johannes Tittmann
    Date of birth: 2.10.1921
    Place of birth: Floha
    Death/missing date: 19.12.1941
    Death/missing place: Feldlazarett (mot.) 615 Mgensk

    A Pionier in 3./Pionier Bataillon 112

    Post your death notices
    Name: Walter Seidel
    Date of birth: 12.12.1914
    Place of birth: Floha
    Death/missing date: 23.12.1941
    Death/missing place: Feldlazarett 1 Sologlilowka

    Wounded and died from a shot in the stomach. A Pionier in 1./Pionier Bataillon 223

  2. # ADS
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  3. #902


    Thank you!

  4. #903


    Quote by Ryan heath View Post
    Thank you!
    Hi Ryan.

    The examples you have posted are really interesting, thankyou for sharing them with us.

    Just a little bit of extra information. Pg in front of a soldiers name is an abbreviation for Parteigenosse (N.S.D.A.P member).

    Kind regards,


  5. #904


    Gebirgs Sanitäts Kompanie 1/54 - Hans Zierer

    Post your death notices

    Name: Hans Zierer
    Service rank: Obergefreiter
    Date of birth: 28.11.1916
    Place of birth: Vilshofen
    Death/missing date: 27.06.1941
    Death/missing place: bei Romaniki

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Infanterie Geschuß Herz (Killed in action: Infantry shot, heart)

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    Hans Zierer has probably been transferred as an unknown soldier to the military cemetery Potelytsch, Ukraine.

    Unfortunately, during our re-interment activities, we were not able to recover all the fallen German soldiers from his original burial place and transfer them to the cemetery Potelytsch. It is, however, possible that Hans Zierer is one of the German soldiers whose remains have been recovered, but whom it has not been possible to identify, in spite of all our efforts.

    Grave site: wahrscheinlich unter den Unbekannten.

  6. #905


    5./Kompanie Panzer Grenadier Regiment 2 - Ludwig Doschko

    Post your death notices

    Name: Ludwig Doschko
    Rank: Unteroffizier
    Birth Date: 25.12.1917
    Birth Place: Steÿr
    Death Date: 18.9.1943
    Death Place: Licholetki

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Bajonett, Linken Brustseite (Killed in action: Bayonet left chest)

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    I couldn't find an entry for Ludwig on the Volksbund.

  7. #906


    Stabskompanie./Infanterie-Bataillon 560 z.b.V - Franz Pölzleitner

    Post your death notices

    Name: Franz Pölzleitner
    Date of birth: 9.2.1923
    Place of birth: Frankenmarkt
    Death/missing date: 23.11.1943
    Death/missing place: Bol-Lepaticha
    Service rank: Obergefreiter

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Granatsplitter Ganzer Körper (Killed in action: Shrapnel whole body)

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    Franz Pölzleitner was not recovered during our re-interment activities. The planned transfer to the collective cemetery in Kropywnytskyji - Sammelfriedhof, Ukraine was, therefore, unfortunately not possible. His name will be recorded in the cemetery's memorial book.

    Although Franz was a member of Infanterie-Bataillon 560 z.b.V (Bewährung/probation unit), the fact he was in the Stabskompanie points to him being assigned to this unit and not being there as a consequence of a sentence.

    Infanterie-Bataillon 560 z.b.V. -
    Infanterie-Bataillon 560 z.b.V. - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    From April 1941 on, soldiers convicted by Wehrmacht courts fought in so-called probation unit 500 on »particularly dangerous sections of the front«, where they were to prove themselves by displaying »exceptional bravery«. If they succeeded, they could hope for a reduced sentence or even a pardon; otherwise their original sentences would be enforced. Around 27,000 »probation men« served in the »500« units during the war, guarded and commanded by officers, sergeants and squads selected for this purpose from the regular troops. A qualified leadership on the one hand, probation pressure and, in part, the »will to prove oneself« on the other made these units strong in battle. Yet losses were also particularly high. After an average of six months, a battalion of around 1,000 men had been »worn down«, meaning the men had been killed in action, gone missing or been wounded. The existence of these units was to deter obedient soldiers from any form of insubordination.
    Penal System | Denkmal fur die Verfolgten der NS-Militarjustiz in Wien

    Penal units in the Wehrmacht and SS -
    Penal units in the Wehrmacht or SS - Axis History Forum

    Penal and Probationary Units -
    Penal and Probationary Units - Kettenhund!: The German Military Police in the Second World War

    The following link will show death cards from other types of 'punishment units'. Post #849 -
    Post your death notices

  8. #907


    3./Schwadron Gebirgs Aufklärungs Abteilung 54 - Franz Paul Jordan

    Post your death notices

    Name: Franz Jordan
    Date of birth: 14.4.1922
    Place of birth: Apfeltrang, Schwab
    Death/missing date: 14.5.1943
    Death Place: Mojkovate, Montenegro
    Service rank: Gefreiter
    Father: Franz Jordan

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Infanterie Geschuß Brustschuß (Killed in action: Infanterie shot, chest)

    Post your death notices

    Post your death notices

    Franz Jordan was not recovered during our re-interment activities. The planned transfer to the collective cemetery in Podgorica, Montenegro was, therefore, unfortunately not possible. His name is recorded in a particular place in the aforementioned cemetery.

    I thought this would be interesting to share because there are two different versions of his death card.

  9. #908


    Staf De Clercq (16 September 1884 – 22 October 1942) was a Flemish nationalist collaborator, co-founder and leader of the Flemish nationalist Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (Flemish National League, or VNV).

    He was born as Jeroom Gustaaf De Clercq in Everbeek, East Flanders on 16 September 1884. He was a member of the moderate Frontpartij, became party leader in 1932, and moved them to the right, converting them into VNV the following year.[1] In 1936 his new party gained 13.6% of the votes in Flanders, and 14.7% in 1939.

    Welcoming of the Nazi German occupation, De Clercq believed it to constitute a chance for the creation of a Diets state, an unprecedented (apart from the medieval Burgundian personal union) Dutch language-based community uniting Flanders, the Netherlands and even the part of northern France with Flemish dialects (corresponding to French Flanders). His organization supported the German occupiers in the identification and round-up of Jews for deportation.

    He died in Ghent and was succeeded by Hendrik Elias. In 1978 the Vlaamse Militanten Orde had his body transferred to the cemetery in Asse.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Post your death notices  

  10. #909


    Hi Martin.

    This is very interesting indeed, thank you for posting. In my time collecting death cards, this is only the second example I have seen for a collaborator.

    Kind regards,


  11. #910


    Google Lens makes it so easy for us to translate a wall of text.
    This is the in memoriam:

    A man passed from us whom Providence had chosen for the difficult task of leading a people through distress and confusion to its shining salvation.

    It was an ancient and glorious nation, deprived of its crown over the course of time, deeply humiliated when its very essence was attacked and it became a prey to the powers of corruption.

    The man who was called to lead the struggle for the upliftment of that people had a big heart, a courageous will and an unassailably pure insight.

    How much love for people and country did he have in his heart! How his will was bent, day by day, towards the glorious goal! The purity of his insight was such that even the enemies had to testify: “There is no deceit in this man. »

    He fell in the heat of the camp. Then it was seen how he had managed to connect tens of thousands to his good fight. His funeral was royal. From the mourning for the death, the flame of the invincible popular faith rose high.

    He is buried in the region that was dearest to him. His spirit continues to shine over the people he served with the beautiful, strong gifts of his fatherly leadership.
    Last edited by Martin3; 09-18-2023 at 01:10 PM.

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