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opinions please

Article about: expert help needed

  1. #1

    Default opinions please

    opinions pleaseopinions please

    expert help needed

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  3. #2

    Default Re: opinions please

    Need alot better pics than these two, so as to make an educated comment. I would say no at this stage though because of strange colours and prominent sanding marks and what looks to be a black 'wash' to age the paint


  4. #3
    4md is offline

    Default Re: opinions please

    I agree, definitely need better photos. Iv got a horrible feeling someones ruined a nice heer

    regards Paul

  5. #4

    Default Re: opinions please

    Helmet expert , definition :

    The ability to recognize fake helmet parts like decals , chinstraps , liner and paint through the use of eyes and smell.
    Helmet experts don't have super HD vision , X ray vision (to see the liner through the shell) nor do they have a built in zoom function.

    Please get good pictures
    So far it looks like a fantasy helmet from the Normandy 1994 camo helmet book.

  6. #5

    Default Re: opinions please

    opinions pleaseopinions please

    only other auction house pics

  7. #6

    Default Re: opinions please

    The helmet is a ground up fake from the one 2" picture provided.

    The 1cm pictures, literally thumbnail size, what do you think can be seen by this? These are the smallest photos I've ever seen posted asking for an opinion. If your asking for an opinion please give people something realistic to work with.

    Thread is closed, please feel free to provide larger photos.

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