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Ask Price is $1,300.00, Approved is 1 and Status is 0


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Registered: June 2024
Location: raleigh nc

Nazi era German DAF standard.


Quantity Buy It Now Price Views Date Posted
1 $1,300.00 444 Thu June 13, 2024


Open Price Shipping Amount Condition
$1,300.00 $10.00 Good


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here is a nazi DAF flag from Hochdorf, a municipality a bit south east of Stuttgart. this flag is pretty well preserved as it's 90 yrs old. this Labour Front flag has the gold frindge wich is in good condition as well as all the metal clips. the brown insert with the blue ribbon and the HOCHCORF name are in great contidion as well as the cogged swastika and the white background. the red cotton background of the flag as some thin moth wear. this is an interesting and important artifact. 

Keywords: Nazi era German DAF standard.

DAF_1_.jpg IMG_2544_klein.jpg IMG_4933.jpg


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